our awareness of ourselves and our environment
Why do octupuses have no bone?
they benefit from added buoyancy which helps allow them to easily float around the oceans and seas.
Was big, died of old age (2.5 years old), and sucked on to people she liked arms/would pull them into her tank.
lexible limbs extending from their heads and surrounding their beaks
Bill Murphy
Works at the aquarium and apart of the decision to move Kali.
Who is Sy Montgomery?
"Part Emily Dickinson, part Indiana Jones," as the Boston Globe has called her, Sy Montgomery
Went to scuba lessons with author (Sy), was in college, worked at bar at night and aquarium during the day.
She entered the aquarium at an old age for a octopus, close with Sy, Changed colors/texture, and died after laying eggs.
The blue color of a cloudless sky
Doris Marissete
Is an instructor who helps teach the author to scuba dive.
Bottom-dwelling squid-like cephalopod that feeds on invertebrates
Still alive and didn't die in the book, was tiny and a baby, got her after Kali died, red color to show excitement.
Entered the aquarium as a baby, lived in a 50 gallon tank but didn't like it because she likes to play and wanted more space,
main part of octopus used to eat
She entered the aquarium at an old age for a octopus, close with Sy, Changed colors/texture, and died after laying eggs.
Cartesian (Descartes)
human brain and mind are separate entities
Worked at aquarium, close with octopuses, and had a sick wife.
Went through a pipe
First octopus
Death was unexpected
Tries to pull sy in
fellow members
Entered the aquarium as a baby, lived in a 50 gallon tank but didn't like it because she likes to play and wanted more space, Named after Hindu goddess of destruction, Died from escaping her new tank by jumping out.
(adj.) skillful in the use of hands or body; clever
Marion Fish
Gave Wilson the idea that the octopuses need toys to play with.
Has assburgers and relates to the octopus's and had hard time dealing with her friends sucide.
bones held together by cartilage
Has assburgers and relates to the octopus's and had hard time dealing with her friends sucide.