What was Helen's father's name?
Dr Roylott
In which country the story takes place?
In England
What time of day did Helena's sister die?
Helen's sister died in the night
When Helen went to see Sherlock because he was trembling?
Helen was shaking because she was frightened.
1.Snakes can digest milk and various other elements. True or false?
2. The name of the person who marries your mother, who is not your biological father.
1. False, snakes don't drink milk.
2. Stepfather.
Helen's father had two animals, which were they?
A tiger and a monkey
In which country did Helen Stoner live as a child?
In India
Holmes and Watson went to Helen's house at night. True or false?
False. Holmes and Watson went to Helen's house in the afternoon.
What was the room in which Helen's sister died?
Helen's sister died in the middle room
1. Which two animals do they have in the house?
2.Where was the snake all day?
1. The tiger and the monkey.
2. Inside the safe.
How Helen's mother died?
Helen's mother died in a train accident.
What is the name of the Sherlock Holmes Street?
Baker Street
Helen's stepfather went to see Holmes before or after Helen?
Helen's stepfather came to see Holmes after Helen.
Why Holmes didn't let Dr. Watson sleep in the bed?
Sherlock didn't let Holmes sleep on the bed, because he saw that the ventilator and the bell cord were touching the bed.
1.What did Julia mean by ‘speckled band’?
2.Sherlock Holmes was looking for ________ inside the house.
1.she was referring to the dangerous snake.
2. clues
How did Sherlock know that Helen traveled by train?
Sherlock knew this because he was carrying a piece of train ticket in his right hand.
Where was Helen Stoner's house?
At Stoke Moran, in Surrey
When Holmes and Watson entered Helen's house at night, they found the tiger. True or false?
False. When Holmes and Watson entered Helen's house at night, they found the monkey.
Because Helen's mother's last husband went to prison?
Helen's father was imprisoned, because while they lived in India, there were many robberies in his house, and he thought he was a one of the servants and killed him.
1.At that time they dressed: eyrv malysrt
2. Translate: víbora de los pantanos
1. very smartly
2. swamp adder
Holmes and Watson wendy intro the middle room when Helen sent them a signal. True or false
Where did the train leave Holmes and Watson?
In Leatherhead
At what point in the story does Helen's stepfather send a servant to the town in search of a doctor?
Helen's stepfather sent a servant to the village for a doctor when her sister, Julia, was unconscious.
What did Sherlock do so that the snake wouldn't bite him?
When the snake passed through the ventilator, Sherlock put on a stick so that it couldn't fall into the room and have to go back to Helen's father's room.
1. Why did Julia find her husband in Harrow? Explains.
2.Helen Stoner's mother was a: w_ _o_ and she had twins.
1. Because in Harrow, with his aunt, it was the only place she left the house. Because her stepfather rarely goes out the house.
2. widow