Spinal Cord External Anatomy
Spinal Cord Internal Anatomy
You got the NERVE!
This is where the spinal cord extend from and this is where it ends.
What is Medulla, and upper border of vertebra L2(or inferior border of L1
This is found in the central canal, and this is surrounding the Central canal.
What is CSF, and Gray matter
This is the connective tissue surrounding the individual axon.
What is Endoneurium
These Branches of spinal nerves make up networks called this.
What is Anterior (ventral) Ramus, and Plexuses
Rising heart rate as blood pressure drops, contraction of smooth muscles in the GI tract to push food through, secretion of hormones from the adrenal medulla during stress, and dilation of blood vessels in the skin when body temperature increase are all examples of this.
What is Autonomic Reflexes
This is an extension of pia mater that anchors the spinal cord to the coccyx, but this is the roots of spinal nerves hanging from the inferior end of the spinal cord.
What is Filum Terminal, and Cauda Equina
this is what the spinal cord passes through, and spinal nerves go through this.
What is Vetebral Foramina. Intervertebral Foramina
Cell Bodies of sensory neurons are located here.
What is Doral root Ganglion
This Nerve stimulates the diaphragm and arises from this plexus.
What is Phrenic Nerve and Cervical Plexus
this is the contralateral reflex that helps you maintain your balance when the flexor reflex is initiated.
What is Crossed Extensor Reflex
This is the space where fat is stored.
What is Epidural Space.
The Spinal Cord is suspended in the middle of its dural sheath by this.
What is Denticulate ligaments.
This is why spinal nerves are mixed, and which root does each of the stem from?
Efferent (Motor) and Afferent (Sensory) Fibers make up a mixed nerve, and Efferent (Motor) stem from Ventral root and Afferent (Sensory) Stem from Dorsal Root.
These are the two main nerves that make up the Lumbar Plexus
What is Femoral and Obturator Nerve
this reflex is stimulated by slight stretching of the muscle spindles.
What is Stretch Reflex (Muscle Contraction)
These are the two regions in the spinal cord where the diameter of the spinal cord is Slightly larger. Why?
What is Cervical and Lumbar Englargements, because they innervate the upper limbs and lower limbs
This is the groove that penetrates the white matter of the spinal cord and divides it into right and left sides.
What is Anterior Median Fissure
The Spinothalamic tract conveys this where the Corticospinal tract conveys this.
What is Sensory impulses regarding Temperature, Pain, and Pressure. Corticospinal= Voluntary Motor Impulses to skeletal muscles.
This plexus contains the sciatic nerve and arises from this location.
What is Sacral Plexus arises from Anterior to the Sacrum
Crossed extensor reflex, Flexor reflex, spinal reflex and intersegmental reflexes are all stimulated in this main example or action.
What happens when you step on a tack.
This is the list of the meninges and spaces from outermost to innermost, And this is the space that contains Cerebrospinal Fluid.
What is Epidural Space,Dura Mater, Subdural Space, Arachnoid, Subarachnoid Space, Pia Mater. Subarachnoid contains CSF
Cell Bodies of somatic motor neurons and motor nuclei are located here, but somatic sensory nuclei are here.
What is Anterior Gray Horns, and Posterior Gray Horns
Please list in order the connective tissue coverings of spinal nerves from inside out, which spinal nerve is the only one to not supply branches to the skin.
What is Myelin Sheath,Endoneurium, Perineurium, Epineurium. C1
If this nerve was injured you would have the inability to abduct and adduct the fingers and interosseous muscles of the hand would be atrophied, and comes from this Plexus. If this nerve was injured you would have the inability to adduct the leg and comes from this plexus. Finally if this nerve was injured you would have the inability to do plantar Flexion and mainly effects these two muscles.
What is Ulnar Nerve and Brachial Plexus. Obturator Nerve and Lumbar Plexus. Tibial nerve and Sacral Plexus and Gastrocnemius and Soleus.
List the components of a reflex arc in the correct order of functioning, and what is a normal Babinski test after 18 months old.
Receptor, Sensory Neuron, integrating center, motor neuron, effector. When you stroke the lateral side of the sole of the foot and the toes curl under.