This witness provided financing for the printing of the Book of Mormon.
Who is Martin Harris?
By the mouth of these the Word is established. (hint D&C 6:28)
What is two or three witnesses?
This scripture teaches us about the Aaronic Priesthood.
What is D&C 13:1
Once a month, members of the church share their testimonies on this Sunday.
What is fast Sunday?
This primary song or hymn is about missionary work.
What is I hope They Call me on a Mission? What is I Want to Be a Missionary Now? What is Called to Serve?
This witness served as Joseph’s principal scribe for most of the Book of Mormon translation.
Who is Oliver Cowdry?
These are some examples of witnesses in the Church.
What are....Missionaries, Ministering Companions, Teachers (seminary, youth, Sunday school), Presidencies (First Presidency, Bishoprics, Class Presidencies), witnesses of covenants (sacrament, baptism, etc.)
This scripture comforts us in uncertainty.
What is D&C 6:36?
Bearing witness of something you experienced that you know to be true.
What is a testimony?
The number of missions around the world.
What is 450. This is the highest number of missions in the church's history; in 2024, the Church added 36 new missions worldwide.
This witness invited Joseph Smith to complete the translation of the Book of Mormon in his family’s home.
Who is David Whitmer
Our responsibility after receiving the Lord's witness of the truth.
What is to testify of it? Or what is to share it?
Joseph Smith's shares his experience in the Sacred Grove in these verses.
What is D&C 1:15-20
This Book of Mormon Doctrinal Mastery teaches when we ask with a sincere heart, and real intent, we may know the truth of all things.
What is Moroni 10:4-5?
On October 6, 2012, the church made this significant announcement about missionary work.
Men may begin missionary service at the age of 18, and women at 19.
The Lord told these three witness they would see and bear witness of these items. D&C 17:1-2
What are the plates, the breastplate, the sword of Laban, the Urim and Thummim.
The Holy Ghost bears witness of these.
What is...Jesus Christ, Truth, Book of Mormon (and other scriptures), the Plan of Salvation, our purpose.
These scriptures teach us how to recognize revelation.
What is D&C 8:2-3
You may gain a testimony of these things through personal revelation.
What is...Jesus Christ, prophets, the Book of Mormon, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, serving others, seminary, repentance and forgiveness, etc., etc.
The number of full-time missionaries in August 2024.
What is 74,000+ missionaries?
This woman also saw the gold plates as shown her by Moroni to strengthen her faith and recognize her faithful and diligent labors. Moroni promised as she carried the extra burden and work, the work would become a blessing to her."
Who is Mary Whitmer? When Joseph, Emma, and Oliver moved into the Whitmer home, it was more work for Mary who cared for her husband and eight children. Mary did not complain about the additional work; however, she was becoming weary.
These are special witnesses of the name of Christ in all the world.
What are the prophets and apostles?
Seeking truth, look here.
This scripture teaches a witness often comes after the trail of faith.
What is Ether 12:6?
Two new MTCs were created in 2024 in these two countries.
The Thailand Missionary Training Center and the Democratic Republic of the Congo Missionary Training Center; there are 11 MTCs worldwide.