How would you describe the beast in the story?
hairy, smart, stands on 2 feet, silvery color, human-like qualities, locked in cage by male humans
What do you think is the OVERALL theme of the story "The Star Beast"?
1. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
2. Don't judge people before you get to know them.
3. Don't let your prejudice or bias harm others.
4. Humans can be cruel to things they don't understand.
What is the world's largest ocean?
Pacific Ocean
Who is the funniest in 8th Grade?
How would you describe the farmer's wife in the story?
nice and grew attached to the beast, saddened after he left
How does the author develop the point of view in the following passage (actions, thoughts, or dialogue)?
[81] Nothing would make it speak again.
[82] It was so boring that no one took much notice or care of it. And one night it
escaped from its cage.
[83] The last glimpse that anyone saw of it was by a hunter in the deeps of the
[84] It was going slowly looking in terror at rabbits and squirrels. It was weeping
aloud and trying desperately to walk on all fours.
Group of answer choices
ACTIONS; the beast will not speak and it runs away and makes weeping sounds.
What day every year is used in remembrance of the day multiple airplanes crashed into buildings in New York, Washington, and Pennslyvania?
September 11th or 9/11
Who the oldest 8th grader?
Who is Benicio?
How would you describe the "educated" humans who first locked the beast in a cage in the story?
Professor – quizzed the beast on math and speaking, beast tried to teach them to fly away from earth
Priests – quizzed the beast on religion, called the beast “wicked”, beast tried to teach them that there was no God but only one universal law
Elders – tried to get the beast to walk on all 4 legs, beast responds by refusing to “crawl”
How does the author develop the point of view in the following passage?
[10] “It was getting to know me,” said she. “And it talked to me — in its fashion.”
[11] The farmer nodded slowly and thoughtfully.
[12] “It was odd,” he said, “the way it would imitate what one said. You know, like
a parrot does. Not real talking, of course, just imitation.”
[13] “Of course,” said his wife. “I never thought it was real talk. I’m not so silly.”
DIALOGUE; because the farmers wife is literally talking and expressing her opinions about the beast
Which amphibian never sleeps?
Bull frog
Who is always in drama?
Araceli & Angel
How would you describe the circus folk in the story?
other animals, leader who shows the beast “whose boss”, father likes the beast but he thinks the beast is dumb and has only been “trained”, daughter thinks the beast is sweet
How does the author develop the point of view in the following passage?
[30] “Your logic is at fault,” the creature had told them, despairingly. “I have
disproved your conclusions again and again. You will not listen or try to
[31] “Who could understand parrot-talk?”
[32] “I am no parrot, but a man in my own place. Define a man. I walk upright. I
think. I collate facts. I imagine. I anticipate. I learn. I speak. What is a man by your
[33] “Pretty Polly!” said the professors.
DIALOGUE; because the professors and the beast are literally talking and sharing their opinions with each other
973 x 47 =
Who are the best athletes?
Brian & Kyrsten
How would you describe the collector in the story?
rich, not very interested in the beast, allows the beast to escape, only wanted the beast for his own selfish entertainment
How does the author develop the point of view in the following passage?
[34] They were very angry. One of them hit the creature with his walking-cane. No
one likes to be set on a level with a beast. And the beast covered its face with its
hands, and was silent.
ACTIONS; because the angry humans are hitting the beast with their cane, and the beast is covering its face.
How many bones does a shark have?
Who flirts the most in high school?