Outsiders and Insiders
The Myth of Apathetic Youth
Lessons on Powerlessness
Importance of Contact in Political Participation
Democracy's Great, it's the Politics I hate

A national charity dedicated to reconnecting citizens to politics

What is Samara Canada?


What percentage of voters under 30 did not vote in the 2011 federal election?

What is 59%

Politics is felt at what level?

What is a personal level
What method of contact do political parties use the most for people of all ages?
What is Mail
In the past 40 years, what election year had the highest voter turnout?
What is 1979
What group of people are deemed as "the real outsiders."
What is parliamentarians with a decade of experience
What were the three age groups studied by Samara in a survey on political activity?
What is 18-29, 30-55, 56+

From what focus group was the person who said “I am more concerned about what goes on in my little sphere of influence as opposed to the country as a whole.” 

What is a rural Canadian 
The first-ever report card on the state of Canada's democracy
What is "Democracy 360"?

Someone who can describe a role for themselves within politics

Who is classified as an insider?

A millennial is more likely to attend a political meeting or speech than someone over the age of 60, true or false?
What is true

In order to have a point of comparison with the disengaged Canadians, what kind of people did Samara survey in a different focus group and where were they from?

What is engaged suburban adults from Mississauga

What are at least three of the six reasons academics have discovered as to why people vote?
What is: They feel obligated, they feel social pressure to vote, they see that something is at stake, they have already voted, barriers have been eliminated, they have been contacted. 

When people/nature become tools, a means to and end versus important in their own right

What is instrumental rationality?

How many judges are appointed to the supreme court?
What is nine
In a chart comparing rates of civic engagement, what is the one area in which millennial are beat by people over 55?
What is donating money to a charitable cause

What are the two pathways to powerlessness?

What is failing to effect change and being taught that engagement is futile before being given the chance to try

What did Canadians surveyed by Samara believe was the most important role of political parties, especially during non-election years?
What is reaching out to them so they can be heard

The winner is whoever gets the most votes, even if that means less than 50% of the country voted for them

What is "first past the post"?

They coined the term "soft despotism"?
Who is Alexis de Tocqueville
What is the most popular method of discussion among all three age groups? 

What is discussing politics and political issues face to face or over the phone


What are the three indicators of democratic health?

What is responsiveness, inclusiveness and participation 


What are the three organizations that Samara notes should promote civic responsibility as much as parties?

What is: the workplace, university campuses and community organizations. 

Name at least 4 of the 7 groups of disentitled Canadians mentioned in the article "The Real Outsiders."
What is: New Canadians, Low Income Canadians, Rural Canadians, Urban Aboriginal People, English speaking Quebec women, French speaking Quebec women and Less Educated young people