A national charity dedicated to reconnecting citizens to politics
What is Samara Canada?
What percentage of voters under 30 did not vote in the 2011 federal election?
Politics is felt at what level?
From what focus group was the person who said “I am more concerned about what goes on in my little sphere of influence as opposed to the country as a whole.”
Someone who can describe a role for themselves within politics
Who is classified as an insider?
In order to have a point of comparison with the disengaged Canadians, what kind of people did Samara survey in a different focus group and where were they from?
What is engaged suburban adults from Mississauga
When people/nature become tools, a means to and end versus important in their own right
What is instrumental rationality?
What are the two pathways to powerlessness?
What is failing to effect change and being taught that engagement is futile before being given the chance to try
The winner is whoever gets the most votes, even if that means less than 50% of the country voted for them
What is "first past the post"?
What is discussing politics and political issues face to face or over the phone
What are the three indicators of democratic health?
What is responsiveness, inclusiveness and participation
What are the three organizations that Samara notes should promote civic responsibility as much as parties?
What is: the workplace, university campuses and community organizations.