Tom's father did this while serving in the Navy
Prosecuted Nazis in the Nuremberg Trials.
Labor and Delivery Units are closing in hospitals throughout rural America, including Hanson, Iowa. A matter violating this right...
The Right to Health.
Tom is the ____ candidate.
The climate candidate?
These two articles of clothing were painted on the bus Tom rode in during his Iowa bus tour....
His tie and belt
What polling did we just receive in Nevada and South Carolina?
12 and 15 percent
The name Kat and Tom's Ranch in California
TomKat Ranch
The Des Moines area's Skunk River is heavily polluted and in some places, it is heavily advised for pregnant women not to drink the water... violating the right to ________
Right to Clean Air and Water
_______ and _______ are 2 aspects of Tom's gun policy
1) Red Flag Laws
2) Restriction of fully automatic guns
Name 3 phrases found on Steyer Swag?
- Congress do your job.
-Climate Crisis
-Trump is a Fraud and a Failure
-Iowa for Tom
Name 4 states other than Iowa where we are on the ballot?
1) New Hampshire
2) South Carolina
3) Hawaii
4) Colorado
5) Nevada
Name a significant other of a Steyer kid.
The state of Iowa requires an ID to vote, prohibiting the right to _________
Right to an Equal Vote
The state of Iowa has one of the lowest wages per hour in the country. Which Tom right does this violate?
The Right to a Living Wage
In what country did Tom receive his belt?
Name 3-4 hashtags that we use on twitter for Tom.
Name all four Steyer Children
Evi, Gus, Sam and Henry
Iowa State University's tuition has continued to increase in the past few years, making it harder for even instate Iowans to afford college. Which Tom right does this violate?
The Right to Learn
Which former presidential candidate had the same idea as Tom in their healthcare policy?
What type of cross does Tom draw on his hand every day to remind himself to be honest and do good?
Jerusalem Cross
Name an Iowan that Tom has donated to in the past?
Abby Finkenhauer
Cindy Axne
Dave Loebsack
Name the location of one of Kat Taylor's tattoos
Bicep and shoulder
Name locations in Iowa where each of these 5 rights are being affected and give the example
Courtney too lazy to type out has answers though
Name 2 aspects of Tom's immigration policy?
Courtney too lazy to type.
Why does Tom wear his tie and what pattern is it?
He has worn this same tie since elementary school out of habit. It is a tartan tie.
Tom is the most prolific Democratic donor. Name one of the newest congresspersons that he has donated to from the New York area?