Where's is he from?
He is from Ur
What were the three things God told Abraham to leave in order to bless him?
1. To leave his country
2. To leave his people
3. To leave his fathers house
Whose decision was it to leave Ur, and where did they decide to go?
What side did Lot pick?
The side with grass and water
Abraham loved who?
He loved God
What were Sarahs and Abrahams original names?
Sarai & Abram
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What do their new names mean?
What were the cities Abraham travel to?
1. Cannan
3. Egypt
What was the name of the river mentioned?
Who was in his family?
(Number of people and names)
Terah (Father)
Nahor (Brother)
Haran (Brother)
Lot (Nephew)
Sarah (Wife)
How many people who loved God, did Abraham have to find?
At least 10 people who loved God
What did Abraham build in every city he went?
He built altars
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Why would he build altars?
Lot was captured and Abraham rescued him
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Who and how many people did Abraham take with him to save Lot?What was the name of Abrahams son?
What did Abraham and Sarah do that anger God?
Doubt him
What did Abraham tell Sarah to say when they got to Egypt?
Who took Sarah to the Pharaoh?
What did Sarah give Abraham for Sarah?
Abraham told her to say that he was her brother.
A soldier took Sarah to Pharaoh
He gave him land a stock along with gold and silver
What were the names of the two cities God wanted to destroy and why?
Sodom and Gommorah
God wanted to destroy these two cities because people were evil and weren't afraid of God.
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How did God destroy these cities
Who was the servant Sarah gave to Abraham to have a child with and what was the Childs name?
Agar was the servant and Ismael was his first son?
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Was Ismael part of the promise? If so why or why not?
What were the three promises to Abraham from God?
1. He would bless him with a great nation
2. He would make his name great
3. Those who blessed him would be blessed and those who cursed him would be cursed; and the people on earth would be blessed through him
How many kings were on each side of the war?
What did the angels tell Lot's family to do?
The angels told Lots family to run from the city and to not look back?
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What happened to Lots wife?