Guessing Meaning from Context
Making Inferences

Section 3: "She spoke in broken sentence."

What is the meaning of "broken sentences"?

Words that are not put in complete sentences; words that may not be clear to understand.


What is the definition of "making an inference"?

Draw a conclusion; reading between the lines; finding clues or details to understand the text/passage; using background information to understand the text/passage.


Section 1: "They knew that Louise Mallard had a weak heart."

Richards and Josephine knew that the news of Louise's husband's death can emotionally break her soul or make her depressed.


What does Chopin represent as a source of forbidden joy for women? Choose one answer.

(A) Motherhood

(B) Marital Love

(C) Independence 

(C) Independence 


 Section 19: “No, she was drinking in life through that open window.”

What does "drinking in life" mean in this context?

Louise was enjoying the moment of freedom. She realized that her husband can no longer control her.


Name three words or phrases that are synonymous to "making an inference".

To infer

To draw a conclusion

Implied idea

Reading between the lines


 Section 14:  “There would be no strong mind above hers.” 

There will not be anyone or any person to control her anymore.


True or False: Brently died in a train accident

False: It was believed that he died at the beginning of the story. However, at the end of the story, Brently was seen walking into his home alive.


Section 6:  She was very tired after her tears. Her body felt cold, her mind and heart were empty.” 

What is the meaning of "her mind and heart were empty"?

She did not know how to feel or what to express after she found out her husband was killed in a train accident. Although she cried at first, she was beginning to realize the freedom she now has.


In section 12, the author states that Louise "saw her freedom clearly". What conclusions can you draw about this statement?

She did not have to worry about being controlled by her husband since she found out he died. It was the norm during that time period for women be submissive to her husband.


Section 11: "Free" she said. "Free, free, free!" The emptiness and fear left her. Her eyes showed her excitement. Her heart beat fast, and her blood warmed her body. A sudden feeling of joy excited her." 

Louise suddenly realized that she is now free. This feeling of freedom made her very happy.


True or False: Josephine was the person that broke the news to Richards that Brently died in a train accident.

False: Richards broke the news to Josephine. Then, Josephine called Louise to tell her the tragic news.


Section 24: “When the doctors came, they said it was her weak heart. They said she died of joy—of joy that kills.”

What is the meaning of "joy that kills" in this context? 

Doctors believe that her happiness is what caused her fatal heart attack after she saw her husband alive. 


Section 20:  "She thought joyfully of all those days before her. Spring days, summer days. All kinds of days that would be her own. She began to hope life would be long. And just yesterday, life seemed too long!” 

What is the implied idea in this section of text?

Louise began to think about what her life would be like now that she is a widow (a woman whose husband is deceased). Since she is a widow, she had thoughts about her new found freedom (hope). 

Section 14: “Men and women always believe they can tell others what to do and how to think. Suddenly, Louise understood that this was wrong. She could break free away and be free of it.” 

Louise realized that it was incorrect to think that people of both genders can tell each other what to believe and what to do, which has allowed her to get away from those ideas.


What do doctors attribute Louise’s fatal heart attack to? Explain.

Surprise: She was surprised to see that her husband was alive. Because she realized she is now free from her husband, seeing her husband alive was unexpected. 
