Origins of Rome
Etruscan Influence
Greek Influence
Sport & Leisure

What was a person called that was sentenced to fight for another's entertainment?

What is a gladiator?


What present day country is Rome located in today?

What is Italy?


The Romans picked up a dangerous sport from the Etruscans involving two slaves sentenced to fight to the death. What would this be called?

What are gladiator fights?


What is the name of the Roman counterpart to Zeus?

What is Jupiter?


What is the name of the sport that involves racing around the track that the Romans would participate in?

What is chariot racing?


Two factions in the same country begin to fight each other. What would this be called?

What is a civil war?


In what years was Roman civilization active? 

700 BCE to 476 CE.


What revolutionary deisgn was implemented by the Etruscans and later the Romans that allowed buildings to become bigger while saving more material?

What is an arch?


How did the Romans come to know about Greek culture?

What is the Greeks had created colonies nearby?


Why would chariot racing be considered dangerous?

What is participants would often ram their chariots into an opponents, knocking them off?


The students of Mr. Butner's classroom are plebeians. They want their voices to be heard so they will elect a...

What is a tribune?


How would you best describe the geography/landscape of Rome?

Made up of seven sprawling hills near the Tiber River.


Why does Mr. Butner call the Romans a "copy and paste" civilization?

What is they took ideas from the Etruscans and Greeks and added their own touches to it.

In what ways were Roman temples inspired by Greek temples?

What is they both used similar designs, columns, and material?


Emperor Butner Caesar Augustus becomes bored with just having two gladiators fight in the colosseum. What would he add to make it more entertaining?

What are dangerous animals such as lions or tigers?


Butner Caesar Augustus is a part of the upper-class in Rome. He lives a like of wealth, and prosperity. What class type would he considered?

What is a patrician?

According to mythology, how was Rome founded?

What is Romulus killed his brother Remus after a territorial dispute and named the city after himself?


What revolutionary technology will the Romans invent that allowed for the movement of water based on the Etruscan cuniculus? 

What is an aqueduct? 


What was a big difference between the Greek gods and the Roman gods in how they influenced society? (Besides just the name)

What is the Greeks told stories of their gods while Romans focused on performing rituals for them.


Who would often participate in the dangerous chariot races and gladiator fights?

What are slaves, criminals, and the lowest of society?


How would you best describe a cuniculus?

What is an underground tunnel that served as an irrigation system (provide crops with water)?


What was the name of the creature that was said to have saved the boys Romulus and Remus by nursing them?

What is the she-wolf?


How did the Romans get their alphabet? 

What is from the Etruscans, who got it from the Greeks?

What were the main differences in Greek art and Roman art?

What is the Greeks focused on perfection while the Romans depicted more realistic scenes.


What was the objective of a gladiator fight?

What is to watch two people fight to the death in front of an audience?
