Who was Joseph's father?
What was Joseph's first dream about?
Bundles of wheat bowing down to Joseph.
Who bought Joseph after his brothers sold him?
When the famine came, who went to Egypt to buy food?
Joseph’s brothers.
TRUE OR FALSE: Lazarus rose from the dead
What special gift did Joseph's father give him?
The coat of many colors
In Joseph’s second dream, what did the sun, moon, and stars do?
They bowed down to Joseph.
What job did Joseph have in Potiphar’s house?
A servant
Did Joseph’s brothers recognize him when they first saw him in Egypt?
No, they did not.
TRUE or FALSE: Lazarus did not have a close relationship with Jesus.
How many brothers did Joseph have?
How did Joseph's brothers feel when he told them about his dreams?
They were jealous and angry.
What did Potiphar’s wife try to do to Joseph?
She tried to seduce Joseph.
How did Joseph react when he saw his brothers again after many years?
He cried and forgave them.
Which two people was Lazarus the brother of?
Mary and Martha
Which brother tried to save Joseph from being harmed by others?
What did Joseph’s father do when he heard about the dreams?
He rebuked Joseph but kept the dreams in mind.
What happened to Joseph after he refused Potiphar’s wife?
He was thrown into prison.
What did Joseph do when his brothers came to Egypt to buy food?
He tested them to see if they had changed.
What game did we play to represent the story of Lazarus?
The Mummy Game
What was the name of Joseph's youngest brother?
What did Joseph’s brothers decide to do after hearing his dreams?
They decided to sell him.
While in prison, Joseph helped two of Pharaoh’s workers. What were their jobs?
The baker and the cupbearer.
How old was Joseph when he died?
110 years old.
The Parable of the ____ ___ and Lazarus
Rich man