True or false: Adam and Eve wanted to be God themselves, so they disobeyed God’s commandment and left the good life. They fell under the rule of sin and spread death to the world.
How many plagues does God send on Egypt?
Jesus called himself “the good shepherd,” and named the leaders of his church “shepherds” (which we translate as pastor). Which of the Kings of Israel was originally a shepherd?
King David
What book of the Bible gives an example of how to live in Exile?
To whom did God give the 10 Commandments and the laws of the Covenant?
Who was the first king of Israel, who rejected God and was then rejected by God as King?
What promise did God make that offered hope after Adam and Eve followed the Serpent?
That one of their descendants would defeat the serpent and restore us to God.
Why did God flood the earth?
Because sin and death had spread throughout all the earth through mankind.
How did God appear to Moses in the wilderness when he called him to deliver the Israelites?
A burning bush.
King Saul, King David, and King Solomon.
What two building projects did the people do when they returned to the Promised Land after the Exile?
Rebuilding the Temple and the walls of Jerusalem.
Who foreshadowed Christ by conquering his enemies and leading God’s people into the promised land (and whose name, like Jesus, means “God saves”)?
Who could not accept God’s mercy and had more compassion on a plant than on a city?
What are the four covenants that we have learned about?
What Christian practice corresponds to the flood, where sinners pass through water and are delivered from death?
Right after leaving Egypt, what do the people of Israel do?
Meet God at a mountain, where He makes a covenant with them.
Grumble about their new life and ask to return to Egypt.
Reject the God who delivered them and make an idol to worship instead.
Why did God divide the nation of Israel into two parts?
Because the King had rejected God and worshipped the gods of his foreign wives.
What did God say needed to happen for the people of Judah to return from Exile?
When they turned to God with their hearts and repented for their sins.
Who saw a vision of God turning dry bones into a mighty army?
Who said that the people of Judah would be in Exile for 70 years and told them to “seek the welfare of the city where [God] has sent you”?
What does God promise Abraham?
A Land, a son (--> nation), and a blessing (a great name).
God created mankind to love and worship him, to enjoy His goodness, to represent him on earth, and partner with him in creating a good world.
How does Jesus summarize the Law of God, which the Israelites received in the wilderness?
Love the Lord your God and love your neighbor as yourself.
Why did the people of Israel want a king?
To be like the other nations, because a King sounded like safety, because they did not trust God, because Samuel's sons were terrible, and more.
What are the great kingdoms of the ancient world?
Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome.
Who told his brothers, “What you meant for evil, God intended for good,” and was used to deliver the people of Israel from famine and offer life to the nations?
Who said that all of the law and the prophets [the Old Testament] was about him?
Jesus Christ
Fill in the blanks: A covenant is a special type of _____________, which involves both _______________ and curses.
A covenant is a special type of argeement/promise, which involves both blessings and curses.
God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son of the promise, Isaac. How does this story foreshadow Christ?
Isaac willingly gives himself up to his Father's will, God provides a substitute sacrifice on the mountain, both Isaac and Jesus bear the "tree" of their sacrifice up the mountain, and more.
Name three things you would find in Solomon's Temple.
The Brazen Sea, the Altar of Sacrifice, the Golden Lampstand, the Table of Showbread, the Altar of Incense, the Golden Cherubim, and the Ark of the Covenant.
Name one of the evils that Judah practiced before the Exile.
They sacrifice their children to idols and placed idols to false gods in the Temple of the Lord.
What were the people of Judah supposed to do while in Exile.
They were to be faithful to the covenant, be a light to the nations, and serve the nation that took them captive.
Who was like a second Elijah, preparing the way for the LORD and calling for repentance?
John the Baptist
Who helped renew the law and the worship of Israel after they returned from the Exile?
Jesus ______________ God’s Covenants
Jesus fulfills God’s Covenants.
He is the new Adam, the restorer of the world, the son of Abraham and of David, and the perfect and faithful Israelite.