Main Characters
Minor Characters
The Plot
The Treasure Seeking
Who was the eldest among the children?
What was the name of their neighbour?
Did the editor in London pay the children for the poems?
Yes, he did. And for the information about a celebrity as well (about Lord Tottenham).
What can you remember about children being... in the park.
- they met a princess while playing in the park

- H.O. got a cold there

Which way Dora considered to be the wrong one for treasure seeking?
Being bandits.
Who was a poet?
Who pretended to have found some money when the children were digging for treasure in the garden? And took H.O. to the sea when he got ill?
Albert-next-door's uncle
How and when did the children meet a princess?
They found her when playing in the park. There was a door in the wall that wasn't locked.

What can you remember about children being... in the Father's Study? 

- They've found a 'robber' there with a screwdriver who turned out to be their father's friend.

- They saw the G.B.'s card in the Father's study.


Children 'dug' twice for treasure. Can you remember when and where?

- in the garden; in the flower bed

- in the nursery while playing with the 'Divining Rod'.

Who wrote the book?

Who paid for a bottle of "Castilian Amoroso"?

The butcher.

Why did the children decide to become detectives? What seemed to be suspicious to them?

The neighbour's house: the servant said they went to the sea; all the blinds were down (and the shutters up) and the milk wasn't left any more. BUT there was a light in the windows.


What can you remember about one of the children being... at the railway station.

Oswald sold flowers to earn money for Alice.

What businesses did the children try while seeking for treasure?
- selling poetry (and being editors)

- selling wine 

-selling medicine

- getting partnership in selling a useful patent (they went to the G.B. to ask for money to buy it)

How many children were there?
There were six children.
What can you tell about Mrs Leslie?
Children met her on the train when going to London. She gave them shillings and a card and wished them 'Good hunting'. She also gave flowers for Noel that Oswald sold to save Alice from remorse. 
What did the children do on Guy Fawkes Day? Did it work?
They decided to become bandits. They were to take prisoner an unwary traveller and send to his friends for ransom.

They took prisoner Ablert-next-door and his uncle gave children eightpence.


What can you remember about the children being... behind the bushes in the street?

They were watching Lord Tottenham.

They tried to get money from him with the help of their dog once but it was bad of them and they were sorry in the end.


Why did the children decide to seek for treasure?

- no pocket money

- Father didn't like them to ask for new things 

- the silver all went away to the shop

- the servants left

- no school

- no guests invited to dinner

- people coming with envelops demanding money

Who were the twins?
Alice and Noel.
What can you say about Albert-next-door?

He's always very tidy. He can't play properly at all. He doesn't care for reading so he's very foolish and ignorant.

What 'business' did G.B ("the Generous Benefactor") have with the Father? Could their visit harm the Father?
Father owned him money which he couldn't pay at the time.

Yes, it could. The G.B. could have become angry and demand the money immediately.


What can you remember about the children being... in London?

- they (Oswald and Noel) went to see the editor to sell Noel's poetry there.

- they (Oswald and H.O.) went to see the G.B. to ask for money 'without any inquiries'.

Who and why turned out to be a treasure for the family?
- their mother's 'Indian' Uncle

- the children invited him to a dinner. During their 'play dinner' they told them everything about their misfortunes and gave him some money in the end. They told him the proverb: 'Poverty is no disgrace'.

- the Uncle realized that they were poor and he was touched by their attitude to him.
