What is the point of view of The Stranger?
1st person with subjective thoughts and perceptions
What is the tone of The Stranger?
Where is Meursault's happy place?
The beach
Meursault is addicted to what?
How many kids does Mrs. Olvey have?
Who is the stranger and how are they the stranger?
He is the stranger because the few people you know him don't even truly know him.
What does Meursault represent?
What subplot in the Stranger
Salamano and his dog
Who's face does Meursault see in prison?
What was the first unit we did?
What is an example of parallelism
Spending Sundays in his thoughts = Passing time in prison by focusing on his thoughts.
What is Meursault's attitude?
Blunt and unsynpathetic
What motivates Meursault?
The fact that life is meaningless and his schedule.
What did Meursault's father get sick from?
The public execution
Mrs. Olvey is sponsor of what club?
Give an example of building suspense in The Stranger
The Arab pops up at the beach
What figure of speech does Meursault use most prominently?
What is the form of the novel?
Where is The Stranger set?
French Algeria
How long has Mrs. Olvey taught at Mount?
4 years
What was Raymond's plan during the rising action?
To have Meursault write a letter to get back and his Mistress
Existentialism and the absurd
What is the largest flashback in the book?
How Meursault is recounting all the events from the future.
What does Meursault drink at his mother's funeral?
What is Mrs. Olvey's favorite class period?