This item is always guaranteed to make a dragon happy
What is chocolate milk
"I don't need luck, I have my friends"
Who is Theo
This substance was spread throughout the traps which Torrin expertly 'disarmed' in the forests of Ayoya
What is Mayonnaise
This NPC runs the armament shop in Valera and has a distinct distaste for Isaac
Who is Porter
The Strangers were surrounded by these creatures in the forests of Aoya
What are the Eyeless
The town of Ferrisburg was built by this historical figure
Who is John the first
"What's a king to a God" ______
"What's a God to an Atheist" _____
Who is Isaac then Cyrus
The actions of this character caused Nova and Isaac to share a body in Nimra's caverns
Who is Eldranon
This NPC is accompanied by circus music and has a penchant for selling children guns
Who is Fun Frank
We find out that this entity is, in fact, the father (of Isaac)
Who is Valor
This disease afflicted Isaac during his travels
What is Grimm's Disease or Fading Light
"I'm not really a good friend, but I am practicing"
Who is Caspian
Theo and Isaac showcased this dance style while trying to impress Archie in his world
What is Disco
Name at least 3 forms that Az took throughout his time with the Strangers
What are: Rainbow Fish, Tortoise, Kangaroo, Komodo Dragon, Ape
This elder was once Theo's mentor turned torturer
Who is Whitethorne
This Stranger at one point wore two of Fate's rings, who are they and which rings
Who is Theo- Sloth and Envy
"I am just here to see the world burn"
Who is The Dealer
Isaac and Oolong utilize this item from Theo's past in Dolphinia to unlock knowledge
What is Theo's library card
This group of rough and tumble mushu pushu men were well known in their town for their strong muscles and small brains
Who are the Portebell-bros
This terrifying creature was bested by the Aegis of Arcane Reflection
What is, the Gorgon
What is the Mazian Wall
"Dying is fine, reviving hurts"
Who is Oolong
After Byurn, this was the first stranger to 'die die, really die'
Who is Theo
Theo and Oolong fought this character as souls
Who is Caspian
The name of all 7 Dragons that the Strangers fought throughout their travels
Who are Magnivox (Mimi) Comigula (Jess), Cocovaen (Cocomelon), Arcadia (Archie), Genesis (Genie), Zerathule, Atari