This is the maximum dose of tenecteplase
What is 25mg?
This condition is often referred to as "Brain Attack"
What is a stroke?
This medication acronym should never be used
What is tPA?
This is the most common type of stroke
What is an ischemic stroke?
The maximum possible score on the NIHSS
What is 42?
This solution is not compatible with tenecteplase
What is dextrose?
This acronym reminds us to recognize the signs of a stroke.
What is BEFAST?
This term describes a temporary episode of neurological dysfunction that lasts less than 24 hrs and resolves.
What is Transient Ischemic Attack?
This risk factor for stroke is characterized by high levels of this substance in the blood, which can lead to artery blockage.
What is high cholesterol?
The NIHSS consists of this many items that evaluate various neurological functions
What is 11?
After administering tenecteplase, flush the IV catheter with this amount of saline
What is 5 mL?
The common thrombolytic is used to treat acute ischemic stroke
What is tenecteplase?
This abbreviation stands for the assessment used to assess the severity of a stroke and potential impact on a patient's functionality
What is NIHSS or National Institute of Health Stroke Scale?
These agents can be given to help reverse the effects of tenecteplase
What are cryoprecipitate and platelets?
This section of the NIHSS measures the patient's ability to speak and understand language
What is best language?
Vital signs monitoring for the first 24hrs after tenecteplase administration
What is Q15 mins x2 hours, Q30 mins x6 hours, Q1 hour x16 hours?
The time threshold can you administer tenecteplase after onset of stroke symptoms.
What is 0-4.5 hrs?
This abbreviation represents a common heart condition that increases the risk of a stroke due to irregular heart rhythms
What is Afi or atrial fibrillation?
The medical procedure used to remove a blood clot from a blood vessel in the brain during an ischemic stroke
What is thrombectomy?
I'm assessing this when I ask patient to do heel to shin in both limbs
What is limb ataxia?
You can administer ranitidine, diphenhydramine and methylprednisolone when a patient develops this condition after tenecteplase administration
What is angioedema?
Tenecteplase is given IV push over how many seconds?
What is 5 seconds?
A type of imaging used to visualize blood vessels in the brain and often used in stroke diagnosis
What is CTA or Computed tomographic angiography?
Blood pressure must remain under this threshold after giving tenecteplase
What is <180/105mmHg?
This step is used to assess the strength of the patient's arms and legs
What is best motor function?