Concise Writing

Whether it be to inform; to persuade or to present a point of view - this the key to the approach needed to write your summary.

What is determining the writer's intention?


My father is going to ___________ a new carpet in the dining room. Complete the sentence with the appropriate word.

What is the word, "lay"?


Edit the sentence: 

"The run was good I had no injuries."

What is "The run was good and I had no injuries."


He is such a pretender of being what he is not that all his friends dislike and avoid him. 

Summarize the highlighted text in one word.

What is a hypocrite?


For every detail in a prose, I am there to keep your eyes on the ball. Never lose sight of me - because without me - you can't complete a summary. 

What is the main idea? 


Can I have _____________ to drink?

Fill the blank space with an appropriate word.

What is the word, "something"?


When I see a sentence, I get inspired but do it in my own way. 

What is an equivalent sentence? 


Edit the sentence in 10 words or less: 

"Smuggling of goods into the country is an unlawful practice."

What is, "Smuggling is illegal."


They like to take us away from the party - even though the details are never understood without us. Why do they hate us so much?

What are statistical data, repetitions, examples etc.?


____________ the former debater used an information debater used a persuasive tone, the latter was plain. He only gave information _____________ we asked for a dramatic debate and presentation. 

Fill the blank spaces with the appropriate words/phrases. 

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: What type of words are these?

What are "Whereas" and "Though/Even Though"?

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: What are subordinating conjunctions?


In sentence structure, these are the three categories. We must know what kind of sentence it is - to either leave it alone or edit it. 

What are Fragments Run-Ons, and Complete Sentences?

Edit this sentence in 10 words or less.

"It was the cars, buses, trucks and vans that caused an obstruction in the road, and the donkeys, cows or goats as we previously thought."

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Double the points for this one once correct!

What is, "It was vehicles, and not animals that obstructed the road."

The number of steps to a "McFadden Class" summary.

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Can you list them in order? 

What is the number Six (6)?

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Determine the writer's intention; identify main ideas, combine main ideas, delete the unnecessaries, write the main ideas and some supporting details concisely using effective grammar, edit the work to conform to the word limit and ensure accurate punctuation and spelling. 


An 11-letter word starting with "e" to mean fast and rapid. 

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: What is the adverb that comes from this word?

What is the word, "expeditious"?

DOUBLE JEOPARDY: What is "expeditiously"?


I was tired.

What is a complete sentence?


Edit the sentence in 10 words or less.

"The Minister of Health advised residents that there would be a strong likelihood of an outbreak of disease to take place and rapidly spread across the country."

What is "The Minister of Health advised us of a possible pandemic."


How we go about summaries may be different - but one thing remains the same. It is evident that every summary - has this element - which is really a skill - and without it - one can't summarize. It is literally summarizing in of itself. Though honestly, I am not using skill right now. 

What is writing concisely? / What is paraphrasing? 


An 11-letter word, starting with "p" which means for an action to be carried out without real interest, feeling, or effort.

What is the word, "perfunctory"?


After I had lunch at Ardenne.

What is a fragment?


"Kyelle, Jonathan and Hasani."

What is the word, "Students"?
