Loyal companion to the King
Who is Gonzalo?
The reason Alonso feels that he suffers a double loss is because
Because of the wedding, he lost his daughter, and now his son, who he thinks drowned.
What does Prospero use magic to place before Alonso, Gonzalo, Sebastian, and Antonio?
A banquet feast
Why does Ariel wake Gonzalo from sleeping when Sebastian and Antonio plan to kill him?
Gonzalo helps Prospero to survive when he was usurped from his throne. Ariel knew that Prospero would not want Gonzalo to die.
What is soliloquy?
A soliloquy is when a character voices their thoughts out loud when they are alone or when they think they are alone. This helps the audience to know what is going on in the character’s mind.
Savage offspring of the witch. Fed up with Prospero, he claims the island is his.
Who is Caliban?
Who is optimistic about arriving on the new island?
Does Prospero approve of Miranda and Ferdinand's relationship?
Yes, but he wants their love to be earned and cherished.
Why is it so important for Caliban to get Prospero's books from him?
Caliban wants revenge on Prospero for all the horrible things Prospero did to him. He also wants the books to gain their power.
What is an Aside?
a comment spoken by a character in a play that is heard by the audience but is supposedly not heard by the other characters on stage or a comment that is spoken quietly so that it cannot be heard by other people who are present
The King's Butler. Also a drunk fool.
Who is Stephano?
What does Ariel do to all of the crew except Antonio and Sebastian?
He puts them to sleep
What does Ariel appear in the form of the men after the banquet is pulled away?
A harpy
Adrian's feeling about the atmosphere of the island.
That the island is "uninhabitable"?
What is a chorus?
A person or group of people who act as a narrator, commentator, or general audience to the action of the play.
The King's jester (fool). Also known as a drunk.
Who is Trinculo?
What causes Caliban to worship Stephano?
Stephano gives Caliban wine
What is ironic about Ariel claiming to be a "minister of fate" in Act 3?
Ariel does not even control his own fate
Why do some people believe that Prospero is illustrated as a playwright?
Propero is always in the background, influencing the decisions made by the other characters in the play.
What is dramatic irony?
Dramatic irony occurs when the audience knows something that the characters do not.
The King's brother.
Who is Sebastian?
What happened to the garments of the royal party during the storm at sea?
The garments were soaked but came out looking brand new because of Ariel.
After stripping them of the feast and having Ariel scold them in the form of a harpy, what does Prospero use magic to do to the men? (minus Gonzalo)
He makes them crazy
Another name for the Queen of Carthage.
What is "Widow Dido".
What is foil?
A foil is a character who is almost exactly the opposite of another character, used to make a comparison.