What is the main conflict of the Tempest?
The main conflict is between Prospero and Antonio who stole his thrown. Prospero seeks his revenge.
Who is the author of the Tempest?
William Shakespeare
Complete the sentence
When I was young, I _____ The Tempest (to read)
To speed up
The son of the King of Naples
**double jeopardy**
What reaction does Miranda have to first seeing Ferdinand?
She falls in love almost immediately.
My dog _____ a mix of Chihuaha, Havanese and Shi Tzu (to be)
a flow of something
Name two major themes in The Tempest
Love, Revenge, Power, Forgiveness
Who is Gonzalo and how does he help Prospero?
His loyal trusted advisor who puts his magical books in the boat when Prospero and Miranda are taken away from Milan
**double jeopardy**
In the last 2 months, my friend ____________ Wicked 8 times (to see)
has seen
wanting to do good
How does Prospero trap Trinculo, Stephano and Caliban?
He has Ariel put fine clothes on a line as bait because he knows they will try to steal them.
How does the setting of the Tempest cause conflict between Caliban and Prospero?
Caliban was the inhabitant of his mother's island before Prospero came. When Prospero came, his great power reduced Caliban to a slave
Before reading the Tempest, I ____________ nothing by Shakespeare (to read)
had read
**double jeopardy**
**double jeopardy**
Summarize the events at the end of the Tempest
Ferdinand and Miranda are married. Prospero gathers his enemies to punish them but instead shows mercy and destroys his magic books. He gets his dukedom back. Caliban is forgiven.
Antonio is motivated by greed to steal his brother's kingdom
By this time next year, I _______________ 3 more Shakespearean plays (to read)
will have read
to increase in loudness