Honor your father and mother
4th commandment
Keep holy the Lord's Day?
Popularity and new clothes are all I care about.
First Commandment
I enjoy telling my friends the faults of other students and the "dumb" things I think they do.
Eighth Commandment
Do not steal
7th commandment
Do not bear false witness against your neighbor
I have serious thoughts of anger and hatred toward others.
5th Commandment
I know that it is dangerous to my soul to spend time in impure daydreaming about sexual activities. I do it anyway because it doesn't hurt anyone. (Even though this can easily lead me to commit sins by myself or with others.)
6th Commandment
Do not kill
5th Commandment
I am the Lord, your God. You shall not have strange gods before me.
I have commited a mortal sin, but didn't ask my parents to take me to confession. I'm not ready for Mass, I'm not ready to receive the Eucharist.
3rd Commandment
I am envious about the things my friends have and show this by my unkind words to them or to others about them?
10th Commandment
Do not commit adultery
6th commandment
Do not covet your neighbor's goods?
I shoplifted.
7th Commandment
I have a habit of lying. I would rather just say I didn't do it, or I don't know than get into trouble.
Eighth Commandment
Do not covet your neighbor's wife
9th commandment
Do not take the name of the Lord in vain?
I don't do what my parents ask, I talk back and give them attitude instead.
4th Commandment
When I get mad I curse and yell.
Second Commandment