Jamie and Joey
Cam and Leslie
Paige and Ashley
Haley and Marsha

Jaime is at Joey's house when Joey and his brother start to talk about superstitions-like black cats and walking under ladders.  Jaime knows that this is wrong, but the brothers insist that these superstitions are true.

What is the first commandment? You shall have no other gods before me.


Cam and Leslie are having a great conversation when they notice Cam's Grandmother is sitting by herself in the living room. 

What is the 5th Commandment?  Honor your father and mother.


Paige and Ashley are only friends with girls that buy very expensive clothes and have the best phones. When they see any girls who are not in their friend group, they look at these other girls as if they are offensive, and they hold their noses to act as if they stink. 

What is the 6th commandment?  You shall not kill. 


Rudy gets so frustrated with his little sister because she always wants to play with him. The only way he can get her out of his room is to say something mean to her, or hit her.  

What is the 6th commandment?  You shall not kill. 


At Haley's birthday party, Marsha notices Haley got a brand new iPad. Marsha has never had an iPad, and she starts to feel very unhappy at the party.

What is the 10th commandment?  Do not be greedy.


Jaime notices his younger brother is upset about a video game and hears him take the Lord's name in vain.

What is the second commandment?


Cam overhears a friend say that Leslie is "so ugly she shouldn't be allowed to come to school."

What is the 6th commandment?  You shall not kill.


Paige wants to look like her friend.  She doesn't like herself because she doesn't have the same stylish clothes as her friend.  

What is the 10th commandment? You shall not be jealous.


Rudy wants his friend's school supplies.  One day when his friend is absent, he steals one of his pencils.

What is the 8th commandment? Thou shall not steal.


Haley read that if you worship a certain Chinese god you will come into great future. They have seen a statue of this "god" at an art store in town.

What is the 2nd commandment? You shall not worship other gods.


Jaime tells Joey he is thinking of doing a major cleaning project on Sunday. He tells Joey he may not be able to go to church because he really wants to reorganize his bedroom. 

What is the 4th commandment? Keep the Sabbath day holy.


Leslie is walking downtown, when she sees a store called "Black Magic." The store advertises that a person's palm can be read and their future can be told.

What is the 1st commandment?  You shall not have any other gods before me.


Paige wants to say "Oh my God!" every time she is excited about something.

What is the 3rd commandment?  You shall not take the Lord's name in vain.  

Rudy is spending the night at his friend's house.  They have a great time and stay up very late.  In the morning, the boys are too tired to go to church.

What is the 4th commandment?  Remember the Sabbath Day and keep it holy.


Marsha always is rude to her grandfather when he asks her to do something. 

What is the 5th commandment?  Honor your father and mother.

Jamie tells his friends that once you are married, if you "fall out of love with your spouse," it's okay to look for another spouse.

What is the seventh commandment?  You shall not commit adultery.


Leslie finds a book she has always wanted at the library.  She checks it out, and when she gets home, she says to her brother, "What will the library do to me if I keep this? They have lots of books!"

What is the 8th commandment?  Thou shall not steal.

Ashley is talking with her friends.  Someone asks, " What's the coolest place you've ever been to?" Your family just goes camping close by for vacation every year.  In order to fit in with everyone, you tell them that your family goes to Florida every year.

What is the 9th commandment?  Thou shall not lie.


Rudy got an ugly doll for Christmas.  Her cousin got the most beautiful, life-size doll for Christmas.  Rudy cried in the bathroom complaining to her mom how ugly her doll was. 

What is the 10th commandment? Do not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.


God is not more important than You Tube or video games.

What is the 1st commandment?  You shall have no other gods before me.


During the awards banquet, Jamie notices that Joey has gotten lots of awards.  Jamie thinks that it is so unfair; no one recognizes everything he has done.

What is the 10th commandment?  Do not be greedy.

The Hebrews took all of their jewelry and made a gold calf.  They prayed to it when they felt like God wasn't listening to them. 

What is the 2nd commandment? You shall not have idols.

Ashley was going to have a baby with a lot of disabilities.  She decided to murder it before it was born so she wouldn't have to deal with it.  

What is the 6th commandment?  Thou shall not kill. 


The book of the Bible where the 10 Commandments can be found. 

What is Exodus?


Who was on top of the mountain when God wrote the 10 Commandments?

