Inventions and Ideas
Time measurement facts

Who invented the 24 hour clock?

Sandford Fleming


when was the atomic clock created?



How does the time change when you're on a planet that has greater mass than our planet?

The gravity pull is stronger, so the time goes by slower than it does on earth. If you were on a planet that had less mass than the earth, then the time would go by faster. 


When is the winter and summer solstice? Bonus 50 points if you can say the spring and autumn equinoxes. 

December 21, June 21, September 21, and March 21


were would you find the International date line?

in the pacific ocean


What changes did Julius Caesar make to the calendar?

he made the year 365.25 days long, and he added an extra day every 4 years. He also renamed two months into July (named after himself), and August (named after his great-nephew).


What was John Harrison's four clocks called?

Hint: the clocks were used to calculate the time and position aboard a ship

H1, H2, H3, & H4


What is the difference in time between each day and why?

The difference is 0.00000002 seconds longer than the day before. And that's because of the earth's spin slowing down caused by the dragging effect of the sea's tides.


what do earthlings call the shortest day of the year?

the winter solstice.


if a crazy scientist started wittering on about `acceleration caused by the curvature in the space-time continuum',what would he be referring to? (hint:an attractive force)



what was Boltzmann's theory?

it was that the atoms of a smelly substance don't stay still, they drift off and mingle with the air atoms. And explains why the smell spreads. And entropy increases.


Who invented the modern calendar?

Luigi Lilio (If you also said Aloysius Lilius, Then you get an extra 50 points)


What is the rule about leap years? (Ask presenter for clarifications if not clear enough)

Any year that ended in 00 was not a leap year unless you could divide it by 400.


What part of your body controls your amazing body clock?

The Hypothalamus


Who was it that first thought of the idea of blackholes?

Karl Schwarzchild


When was the concept of hours, minutes, and seconds invented? And who invented it?

Around 4000 years ago, the Babylonians invented hours minutes, and seconds.


Say the smallest amount of time that can be measured in english words. And who invented it?

Six hundred million billion billion billion billionths of a minute. Max Planck invented it, that is also why it is known as Planck time.


in the year 2000, How long did it take earth to go around the sun?

365 days,5 hours,48 minutes, and 45 seconds.


Why was the old councillor in Bristol late for everything? And how long was he late for?

 Because scientist Abraham Osler reset a public clock to London time when nobody was looking. The old councillor was late for 14 minutes.


Explain why going faster than light is impossible. (Though some scientists think there might be a way to sneak around the light speed limit)

Because Mass and energy change into each other at high energies. As the huge energy of going fast turns into Mass it becomes harder to go faster. If you could really go as fast as light, you'd have more mass than the entire universe. And you would need  endless energy to go this fast and the universe doesn't have much energy.


How fast is the earth moving in the universe?

350 km per second


Explain space-time. Draw a diagram to go with it.

Space time is time and space woven together to make a huge blanket. The blanket is the universe. 
