What high school did Cici constantly lurk in instead of being at her own school?
St Matt’s.
This life simulation video game series has sold nearly 200 million copies worldwide.
The Sims.
What royal title does Cici like to call female friends?
Which associate of Cici had their umbilical cord cut by Cici?
Cici is Irish, but where exactly in Ireland can she most recently trace her roots back to?
Bangor, Northern Ireland.
Which associate of Cici has had not one, but TWO, of her pet dogs eaten by Cici’s Siblings’ dogs?
A much younger Cici was at home playing video games with no one else there but her grandpa, when the ______ came and conducted a _____.
A much younger Cici was at home playing video games with no one else there but her grandpa, when the police came and conducted a raid.
Which associate of Cici once cut her own bangs and then got mad when Cici told her she looked like Tommy Shelby?