Creativity is largely
What is misunderstood?
We are designed to create together
What is collaborative?
Color Outside the Lines: Chapter 9 -
The process was designed to unfold in small phases over time.
What is iterative?
Creativity is the ability to
What is make, change, and produce?
Hands on, doing the work.
Intimate knowledge of the tasks.
Bezalel, Oholiab and his craftsmen.
Head down.
What is execution?
Color Outside the Lines: Chapter 7 -
The Practice of Creativity
We were designed to create with purpose - to produce fruit.
What is productive?
If God created us in His
image to be creative, He
must have
What is given us insight
into what creativity is
and how to do it?
What is working together with contrasting, complementary roles?
Tikkun Olam
“Repairers of Creation”
What is together, encouragement, accountability, and mission?
The three terms creativity is defined into
What is collaborative, iterative, and productive?
What is hands off, orchestrating the work.
Objective perspective.
Moses - visionary leader.
Head up?
Color Outside the Lines: Chapter 6 -
Characteristics of a Creative Organization
The purpose of creativity
What is to reveal God’s character and further His kingdom?
The biblical blueprint for creativity
What is Genesis 1 & 2?
What is plans the work. Counts the cost. Measures.
Bridges the gap between desire and ability.
Levites - project managers
Looks both ways?
the Bible Storyline
What is creation, fall, redemption, consumption?
Dr. Harbin's & Prof. Geesaman's children
Jared, Jordan, Justin, Carter, Ryker