1.True or False
2. The best thesis statement and explain why
3. Choose the best thesis statement
4. Rewrite the thesis statement: All Groups
True or False: A good thesis statement is a fact.
False. Good thesis statements need to be opinions.
Which of the following makes the best thesis statement? A: Even though marriage is a strong and respected institution in Russia, more and more people are choosing to live together before marriage, despite the cultural pressures. B: I am going to explain why many couples in Russia are choosing to live together rather than get married. C: Marriage in Russia
A. A thesis statement should not directly announce your topic by using phrases such as, "This essay will talk about…"

A. Facial tattooing among the different indigenous groups reflects the pride that people have for their tribe as well as the desire for identification between groups. B. Why some indigenous groups tattoo their faces. C. In this essay, I will explain why some indigenous groups tattoo their faces.



Your spokesperson will write the revised thesis statement on your group's notecard: The problem of pollution in big cities.

Example: The problem of pollution in major cities can be alleviated by limiting the number of cars allowed to drive on city streets, increasing the minimum gas mileage on cars, and creating more efficient public transportation systems.

True or False: A good thesis statement sticks to asserting one main idea.
True. A good thesis statement will focus on the one, central idea of the essay.
Which of these is a thesis statement? A. Knowing a foreign language. B. Why should people know a foreign language? C. Knowing a foreign language is a very useful skill because it can help one advance in a career, relate better to others, and open one's mind to the ideas of another culture.
C. A thesis statement is a complete sentence. A thesis statement is not a question.
A. "Timkat" is the most important holiday in my country. The most important events that make up this holiday include the procession of priests, mass, communion, and finally baptism. B. An important holiday in my country is Timkat, which means epiphany. Many events are included in this holiday. C. I am going to describe an important holiday in my country.

Your spokesperson will write the revised thesis statement on your group's notecard: Being a vegetarian is better.

Example: Being a vegetarian is preferable to eating meat for mental, spiritual, and physical reasons.

True or False: You write the thesis statement in the last sentence in the conclusion paragraph.
False. Last sentence in the introductory paragraph
Which of these is a thesis statement? A. Michaelangelo's artwork is powerful because of its strong spiritual undertones. B. Michaelangelo's artwork is famous and is admired by many. C. Michaelangelo was a great artist in Rome during the 1500's.
A. A thesis statement states an attitude or opinion on a topic. It doesn't just state the topic, itself. A thesis should not be a fact.
A. I've lived in a small town my entire life and have enjoyed it. B. Living in a big city has many headaches. C. In contrast to living in a big city, I enjoy living in a smaller town, because I have closer relationships with my neighbors and the pace of life is much healthier.

Your spokesperson will write the revised thesis statement on your group's notecard: My parents and I are very different.

Example: My parents and I are different in the way we socialize, dress and choose what to eat.


True or False: Your thesis statement states the main idea of the essay in one sentence.

True. Sometimes 2 sentences is acceptable, but are typically just 1. 

Which of these makes the best thesis statement? A. The reasons why I came to the United States to study. B. The reasons why I came to the United States to study were to educate myself and then to return to Tunisia to apply my education. C. There were many reasons why I came to the United States to study.
B. A thesis statement can be made more specific by listing subtopics. These help give your reader a clear idea of what will follow in your essay.
A. Some of the major causes behind common diseases in the United States could be traced to three main factors: poor diet, lack of exercise, and smoking. B. What are some of the main causes behind many of our diseases in the United States today? C. This essay examines some of the major causes behind many of our diseases in the United States today.

Your spokesperson will write the revised thesis statement on your group's notecard: High school students should be required to take a foreign language class.

Example: High school students should be required to take a foreign language class because it exposes them to different cultures, it makes them more employable in many careers, and it helps strengthen their learning skills.


True or False: "Animal abuse is a terrible problem.", the above statement is a poor thesis statement.

True. This statement is only pointing out the obvious--most reasonable people agree that animal abuse is both terrible, and a problem.

Which of these makes the best thesis statement? A. Franklin Delano Roosevelt began the system of Social Security during the depression years in the 1930s. B. We shouldn't have Social Security anymore. C. The current system of Social Security needs a complete overhaul in administration and philosophy if it is going to benefit future generations.
C. A-a fact; B-too general; C-states one main idea with two subtopics.

A. There are many ways in which you can look for a new house. B. You can look for a new house by reading the classified ads, talking to a realtor, or talking with friends about houses in the area in which you want to live. C. Buying a new house is a difficult thing to do because it may be challenging to get started.


A. & B. are both facts.


Nominate one from your group and write the revision on the board. Why should school weeks be 4 days long instead of 5 days long?

Example: School weeks should be 4 days long instead of 5 days long because it prevents academic burnout, it gives students more time at home with their families, and it allows for more time to work on schoolwork. 
