Which species of Jellyfish does Suzy think killed Franny
Irukandji Jellyfish
Who is the main Protagonist
What does Suzy's mom tell her in her first memory.
Franny died
What does Suzy's mother usually call her
True or False: Suzy talks most of the story.
What is the most deadly jellyfish in the world.
Australian Box Jellyfish.
What is the name of Franny's crush
Dylan Parker
What did Franny do when Dylan threw the frog at the tree.
She laughed.
What is Suzy's full name
Suzy Swanson
How many Middle schoolers does Suzy make friends with
True or False: Jellyfish have brains
Who did Suzy talk to first after franny died
Justin Maloney
What did Suzy do to Franny's locker.
She filled it with frozen pee
What is the name "Belle" Based off of.
Jellyfish Anatomy
Where does Suzy try to go to meet Jamie
How many Jellyfish experts did Suzy consider?
What is the name of Suzy's brother and his boyfriend
Aaron and Rocco
Where did Suzy meet Franny
A swimming class
True or false: Suzy has called herself "Mizz Frizz"
Where does Suzy find out about the Irukandji Jellyfish
an Aquarium
Which jellyfish species is smaller than a penny?
What is the full name of the doctor Suzy could "talk to"
Dr. M. Legler
What is the name of the girl who Franny befriends?
Aubrey or Molly
What is Franny's nickname for when something is wild to her like Suzy's hair.
Cray Cray
What do Ms. Turton and Justin wear for the school dance.
Ms. Turton: Science dress. Justin: The Beast