Where was Tim O'Brien trying to run off to after he got his draft notice?
What did Jimmy Cross carry at the very beginning of the story?
Letters from a girl named Martha
Who was this story about?
Norman Bowker
Why did O'Brien write the story "Speaking of Courage"?
The letter Norman Bowker wrote to him
How did Tim O'Brien respond when his daughter asked if he had ever killed someone?
"Of course not"
What was the name of the place that Tim O'Brien stayed at for six days?
The Tip Top Lodge
Who carried tranquilizers?
Ted Lavendar
What does the main character in this story do the whole time?
Who actually froze up the night that Kiowa died?
Tim O'Brien
What shape was the hole on the mans face who was killed?
A star
Who was the old man that helped O'Brien?
Elroy Berdahl
He carried his girlfriends pantyhose
Henry Dobbins
What color star did the main character of this story almost win?
The silver star
How does Norman Bowker describe his life after he came back from Vietnam?
"It's almost liked I got killed in Nam"
"The problem of finding a meaningful use for his life after the war"
What were some of the words Tim repeatedly used to describe the man he killed?
Slim, short, dainty, slender, dead
What school was O'Brien supposed to be studying at before he got drafted?
"Men killed and died because they were ______ not to."
He got stuck underneath the mud and water
What did O'Brien do to cope with everything that happened during the war?
He wrote stories
How did O'Brien kill the man?
Threw a grenade towards him
Finish this sentence. "I was a coward..."
"I went to the war"
Ted Lavender
What day does this story take place on?
The 4th of July/Sunday
How many pages was the letter that Norman Bowker wrote to Tim O'Brien?
17 pages
How do we know that the man O'Brien killed was most likely a soldier?
He wore an ammunition belt.