A win-win situation where both groups feel heard and feel they have gained something valuable.
What is Collaborating
Can create a perception of weak leadership
What is avoiding
This assessment tool measures an individual's behavior in conflict situations and categorizes responses into five different modes.
What is the Thomas Kilman Model Instrument Tool
The Y Axis of the Thomas Kilman Model
What is assertiveness
The five main styles people use to resolve conflicts.
What is competition, collaboration, avoidance, accommodation, and compromise.
A Thomas-Kilmann conflict resolution strategy that helps preserve relationships by finding a common ground.
What is Compromising
Can create a lack of confidence
and growth
What is accommodating
The two dimensions that define the five conflict-handling modes are these.
What are assertiveness and cooperativeness?
The X axis of the Thomas Kilman Model
What is Cooperation
The year the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Model was developed
What is 1974?
helpful when there isnt a clear way “right” way to solve a problem
What is Cooperativeness
Results achieved may not be the best as the focus is being fair and equal
This conflict mode is highly assertive but low in cooperation, often used when an immediate decision is needed or when strong leadership must be demonstrated.
What is competing?
Low assertiveness & low cooperation
What is avoiding
Gives up more than Competing, but less than Accommodating.
What is compromising
helpful when quick results are needed or when you're sure you're right and need to stand your ground
What is Assertiveness
May oversimplify the complexities of human exchanges and conflict resolution
What is the Thomas Kilman Model
This conflict-handling mode is moderate in both assertiveness and cooperativeness and often involves finding a middle ground between two opposing positions
What is compromising?
High assertiveness and high cooperation
The first names of Thomas and Kilmann
What is Kenneth and Ralph?
Allows time for emotions to settle before addressing conflict
What is avoiding
can create a power struggle which will cause more conflict and it does not foster collaboration
What is competing
This conflict resolution style is ideal when time, energy, and resources are available, and the goal is to create the best possible solution through teamwork.
What is collaborating?
lies between all these extremes. It involves finding a stable middle ground where both parties give up something to reach a solution that satisfies both sides.
What is compromising?
The number of times you chose a TKI statement for that mode.
What is the Raw Score?