What is the meaning of the word horror?
A very strong feeling of fear, shock, or dread.
What is a morlock?
An underground creature
Did the Time Traveller go on the future or past?
The future
How did Weena vanish?
The morlocks either took her or ate her
What was the sphinx made out of?
White marble
The meaning of the word frail
Very weak or delicate
The name of the Eloi the Time Traveller saved
Where did the Eloi live?
(What kind of house)
They all lived together in big buildings
What did Weena put in the Timer Traveller's pocket?
Two flowers
What was the name of the Palace that the Time Traveller found?
The Palace of Green Porcelain
Another word for vanish
Disappear, Gone
What are Elois?
People from the future who are short
Where did the Time Traveller find his time machine?
In the white sphinx
What were the Elois afraid of?
Why were the Elois lives terrifying?
They were hunted by the Morlocks if they were outside at night.
They can only do things during daylight.
The meaning of the word trickery
The use of tricks or dishonest activities to deceive or cheat
Characters besides the time Traveller and Weena
The Psychologist, Blank, the Editor, the Medical Man, the Very Young Man,
Where did the time Traveller work?
A laboratory
What scared the Morlocks away?
What was the time machine made out of?
Nickel, ivory, and rock crystals
A word to describe porcelain
Delicate, hard, white, ceramic
Who believed the Time Traveller about him travelling in time?
The narrator
What year and town did the story take place before he time travelled?
London, England
Where did the Eloi people appear from?
Large portals
What did the Time Traveller and Weena find inside the palace?
Things to make a fire, and an iron lever for his time machine