What does the little girl want to do?
Make a snowman with someone in her family.
Why is the Time Shop a good name for the store?
It is full of all different kinds of clocks.
What does "it's time to go!" mean....
What does distracted mean?
Paying attention to other things / Busy doing other things
What is the problem in the story?
Everyone in the girl's family is busy and doesn't have time to make a snowman with the little girl.
Why doesn't Sam's family understand? What are they missing?
They are too distracted. They are missing out on time spent together as a family.
Time goes so fast.
Name types of Clocks.
Digital, Alarm, Coo Coo, Grandfather
What is something strange that the little girl sees?
2 kittens in the grandfather clock.
How does Sam solve the problem?
She gives a gift of time / a reminder. 1 hour - snowman time.
What does "together time" mean?
Time spent together with family / friends
What are gears?
What does the little girl do after seeing the kittens?
She follows them into the clock and finds an imaginary world.
Why is the Gift of Time so important?
It is important to spend time with people because they may not always be there.
What does "Lost time" mean?
Time you can't get back because you are too busy doing other things.
A decoration that has a scene in it with particles on the bottom, and it is filled with water. When you shake it the particles float all around and it looks like it's snowing.
Where does the girl go with the kittens?
The Time Shop
How does Sam's family react to the gift.
They are grateful to be reminded about the important things in life.
What is the "Gift of Time"
What did the Time Keeper say that the snow globes were filled with?