Civil Rights
The Vietnam War
Hmong & America
A Who's Who of the Swingin' Sixties

These are the Southern State and local laws that essentially legalized segregation and discrimination during the post-Civil War era.

What are Jim Crow laws?


The reason for it all: the belief that if one country were to fall to Communism, many more would follow in response (could the USA be next!?)

What is The Domino Theory?


(Also acceptable: Containment)


Disrupting supplies and people along the Ho-Chi-Minh Trail, serving as intelligence gatherers, and rescuing American soldiers were some of the contributions of Hmong soldiers during THIS Southeast Asian conflict.

What is The Secret War


Bonus 100: In which country did this take place?


He does it all!

This was the U.S. President who both: signed into law major civil rights acts and drastically escalated the conflict in Vietnam following the Gulf of Tonkin incident.

Who is Lyndon B. Johnson 




Protestors marched 54 miles to the state capital for voting rights during this demonstration of the US Civil Rights Movement (3rd tries the charm?).

What is the Selma March?


As a result of the Geneva Accords, this became the division between North and South Vietnam.

What is the 17th DMZ (or 17th Parallel)?


A person or a group of people fleeing from danger, destruction, or persecution. 

(Seeking a safe place to live

What is a refugee?


The 14-year-old Chicago boy whose lynching sparked the modern Civil Rights Movement. Rosa Parks cites his story as motivating her protest on the bus.

Who is Emmett Till?


He was the most prominent voice of the movement, who opposed the tactics of King; rather than nonviolence at all costs, he advocated for fair treatment and protection by “any means necessary."

Who is Malcolm X?


The USS Maddox allegedly reported an engagement with North Vietnamese attack boats, and in-turn, Congress voted to allow President LBJ to take “all means necessary” action, taking the conflict in Vietnam to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL!

What is the Gulf of Tonkin Incident


The USA government group (Agency) that recruited young Hmong men and boys to fight and assist against the Communist forces in Southeast Asia.

Who are the CIA


Central Intelligence Agency


I don't know if he was much of a hiker, he was the leader of the communist independence movement in Vietnam as well as its northern president.

Who is Ho Chi Minh?


The 1954 Court case that ruled that “separate but equal” was unconstitutional (illegal), and would lead to the integration of schools (with "all deliberate speed").

What is Brown v. Board of Education?


With the North Vietnamese capture of this capital city, the Vietnam War effectively came to an end, as the USA packs up and goes home. 

What is the Fall of Saigon?


Before Hmong refugees fled from the North Vietnamese forces following The Secret War, many first fled persecution from THIS country to the North. 

What is China?


This leader traveled across the country spreading their message- including a stop in Eau Claire (at UWEC) in 1962- where they famously asked President Kennedy for a second Emancipation Proclamation. 

Who is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr?
