what is my favorite anime
One piece
how long have I played violin
9 years (close to 10)
what is the most popular anime of all time
My dad won the greencard lottery
What was my favorite song as a kid
Party in the USA
who is my favorite character in one piece
whats my favorite animal
Whos the most popular anime character
What is my middle name
What was my childhood nickname
Tiny Tina Tuna Tavassoli Guacamoli Ravioli
what anime character did I get a body pillow of from my birthday (still dont want it :/ )
how long do I usual have my hedphones on per day
around 15 hours
Which popular anime writer (mangaca) sadly passed away in 2024
Akira Toriama (creator of dragon ball z and super)
Which one of my family members am I taller then (adult)
My aunt
Who was my first pet
how many animes have I seen
whos my favorite music artist
which anime movie am I seeing this year (most likley late year)
Demon slayer movie (infinity castle arc)
What is my dads middle name
Dosen't have one trick question
What was my favorite childhood show
Wild Crats
which anime has the worst fandom according to me
My hero acidemia
how long does it take me to brush my hair in the shower
23 minutes
What is the most overrated anime according to me
Attack on Titan
How did my grandfather pass away (dads side)
brain cancer
What age did I decide to become a marine biollolgist