Which company practically ruled India?
East India Trading Company
What was the first successful slave revolt?
The Haitian Revolution
Where did the first Industrial Revolution occur and why?
England because it had navigable rivers, textile centers, canals, and coalfields. These were all extremely helpful when it came to industrialization.
Around what time were Germany and Italy created?
Around 1850
Who was Napoleon III?
Allied with Cavour to unite Italy in hopes of land only to be thwarted, provoked into declaring war with Germany by Otto von Bismarck, broke the Holy Alliance
What raw materials were taken from India?
Tea, Coffee, Opium, Cotton
What recognized the independence of America and when?
1783 - Treaty of Paris
Name three inventions from the first Industrial Revolution.
Flying Shuttle, Spinning Jenny, Water Frame, Power Loom, Cotton Gin, Horse-Drawn Seed Drill, Stock Breeding, Mechanical Reaper
How did Napoleon III “crack” the Holy Alliance?
He attempted to neutralize Austria so they wouldn’t protect Russia during the Crimean War.
Who were the figureheads of the Haitian Revolution?
Jean-Jacques Dessalines & Toussaint L'Ouverture
What is Quinine?
Drug that protects people from malaria
What were the causes of the French Revolution?
King and Queen overspent and mismanaged government
Unfair taxes (rich didn't pay, poor payed all of taxes)
Three Estates System (poor only got one vote in government decisions, so church and rich voted against them)
Influence of the American Revolution and Enlightenment thinkers
Terrible wheat harvest and economic crisis
Who led the Public Health Movement and what was his belief?
Edwin Chadwick
“Sanitary idea” most important: believed disease could be prevented by cleaning up the urban environment
Which country became the leading German nation?
Who was Simon Bolivar?
Greatest leader of Latin America's independence movement from Spain
What was the Berlin Conference in 1885?
Important leaders from around the world met to discuss and distribute African territories (no African leaders were present)
What were the causes of the Latin American Revolutions?
Lack of respect for Creoles, No free trade, Other revolutions (American especially), Weakened Spain, American Identities, Racism, Napoleon invades Spain in 1808
What new technologies were created and what goods were mass produced during the Second Industrial Revolution?
Steel production, Bessemer Process, Oil, Electricity, Chemicals
What did the German Revolutions of 1848 demand?
Germany unite under one constitution
Who was Cecil Rhodes?
Prime Minister of Cape Colony in Africa, started a war with the Boers (Boer War) and won British rule
What was the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857?
Sepoys were hired Indian soldiers. To fire their guns, they had to break pig and cow fat seals with their teeth, going against religious beliefs. The Sepoy rebelled, and British government had to step in
What were the revolutions of the modern period, and when did they occur?
The Enlightenment (1650-1815)
The American Revolution (1775-1783)
The French Revolution (1789-1799)
The Haitian Revolution (1791-1804)
Latin American Wars for Independence (1808-1833)
What was the Bacterial Revolution and who was involved?
Control of bacteria, leading to a decrease in mortality rate and Diseases such as typhoid, typhus, cholera, and yellow fever due to improved availability of vaccines.
Louis Pasteur (created germ theory and pasteurization) & Joseph Lister (developed "antiseptic principle" in performing surgeries)
Who controlled the Northern, Central, and South regions of Italy prior to the unification?
North - Austria & Piedmont-Sardinia
Central - Papal States (Pope)
Southern - Naples, Bourbons (French)
Who were the main figureheads of the Italian and German unifications and what did they do?
Camilo di Cavour - wanted to make Italy a unified state. Became prime minister for king of Piedmont-Sardinia (monarchist)
Giuseppe Garibaldi - gathered 1,000 men to capture South Italy, wore a distinctive red shirt (republican)
Otto von Bismarck - most successful practitioner of realpolitik, used media to provoke France into war, used negative integration to unite Germany, believed Germany should expand through "blood and iron"