This is the item that is used to summon the creatures. Also known as a Christmas gift in the story.
What is The Fiction Book?
Not long after the recent fight, someone breaks out of the school.
Who is Jacob / Jeffrey?
The main characters are told to find this person by Jacob. They also use this person to persuade Liam for time.
Who is Ava?
The leader of the creatures and father of Jacob.
Who is Jeffrey Timel?
This fight occurs outside the school during chapter 25.
What is Kids Vs. Jeffrey?
The main characters go to multiple places for shelter. Their home, a forest, and ...
Although the creatures are strong, there is another army that is stronger.
What is the trident army?
Liam provides this form of transportation to help the kids reach Ava's location.
What is the rainbow train?
This character saved the main characters from the wire creature in the maze.
Who is Jacob / Ghost Jacob?
This fight occurs in the maze AFTER the kids escape.
What is Jacob (Ghost Jacob) vs. Wire Creature?
Across the street from the school, there is a mysterious hut. _______ lives in it.
Who are survivors (who are Jonah, Caleb, Colin, and Ben?)
The Marionne is killed for betraying the trident army by a very strong unit.
Who is Phantomia?
These people stand in the way of Liam in the palace.
Who are Astralius, Phantomia, and Kronos?
This character has been to the palace multiple times due to history with Liam.
Who is Ava?
This fight occurs outside the engine room.
What is Kids Vs. Kronos?
There is a mysterious man who is stalking the kids.
At the mountain, a VERY strong enemy rises.
Who is Liam Moser / Master Moser?
Liam explained this when he explained that he already had the engine key.
What is the deadly trick?
This character is the defender of the engine room.
Who is Kronos?
This fight involves an enemy made of pure acid.
What is Kids Vs. Phantomia?
After being defeated, Jeffrey says one word.
What is the word son?
After escaping the mountain by persuading Liam, the survivors hide somewhere.
What is the bunker?
Jacob brought this to school instead of the fiction book.
What is the trident book?
This character used Jacob to revive himself and leads the trident army.
Who is Liam?
This fight occurs long before the outbreak and involves an escape?
What is The Trident Army Vs. The Land Beyond the Multiverse?