The Apple of Discord
When Paris chose Aphrodite as the fairest goddess she gave him this prize.
Who is Helen of Sparta?
He was the greatest warrior and champion of the Greeks.
Who is Achilles?
King Priam went to the Trojan camp with a chariot full of treasure. Who was his guide?
What was Hermes?
The idea of the Trojan Horse was conceived by this Greek.
Who was Odysseus?
Many stories of the Trojan War were compiled in an epic poem. What was it called?
What is the Iliad?
Zeus did not want to decide who would win the golden apple, so he asked this man to decide.
Who is Paris?
He was very brave and noble and in every way a match for Achilles.
Who was Hector?
What part of Hector's body was stabbed by Achilles?
What was his throat?
He claimed that he was no longer a Greek. He was actually the "voice" of the Trojan Horse plan.
Who was Sinon?
Achilles' weak point
What was his heel?
Paris did not give the golden apple to this goddess who had offered to lead him into victory in battle.
Since they lost out on the beauty contest, who were the goddess that were on the side of the Greeks?
Hera and Athena
This god jeered at Apollo and dared him to get involved when the other gods and goddesses were fighting.
Who was Poseidon?
This god guided the arrow that killed Achilles.
Who is Apollo?
The number of ships that sailed to retrieve Helen?
What is 1,000 ships?
He became a new King of Sparta after he married the most beautiful woman in the world.
Who is Menelaus?
He was the god that made a new suit of armor and weapons for Achilles.
Who is Hephaestus?
Who pleaded with Hector to come inside the walls of Troy to protect himself?
Who are his parents, King Priam and Queen Hecuba?
This goddess saved Helen and reunited her with her husband, Menelaus.
Who is Aphrodite?
To try and protect her infant son, what river did Thetis dip him into?
Several goddesses argued over who the golden apple should belong to that was marked with this phase.
What is For the Fairest?
His death caused great grief and anger for Achilles.
Who is Patroclus?
Who was the rainbow-messenger sent to tell King Priam that he must ransom and redeem the body of his son, Hector?
Who was Iris?
He was the only Trojan that was helped by a goddess.
Who was Aeneas?
She was not invited to the wedding and caused a stir when she tossed a golden apple among the goddesses.
Who is Eris?