Story Setting & Background
Main Idea/Details
Final Jeopardy

Who are the main characters in this story?

The wolf, granny, & the 3 pigs


What does framed mean?

Use it in a sentence.


Why did the wolf go to the pigs' houses?

To get a cup of sugar for his Granny's birthday cake.


Where does this story take place?

In a little town. (Could also say the wolf's house, the pigs' houses).


What does "wolf's honor" mean?

It means he is promising he is telling the truth.


What caused the first pig's house to fall apart?

The wolf knocked on the door and the door fell in. The wolf began to sneeze, and the house fell down on top of the pig killing him.


What is the diet of the wolf in this story?

He explains that wolves eat bunnies, sheep, and pigs. It is in their nature.


What does the phrase "he wasn't too bright" mean?

It means he was not very smart. He was foolish or unintelligent.


What was the second pig doing when the wolf came and rang his doorbell?

What did he tell the wolf?

He was shaving the hairs on his chin.

He told him to go away/you can't come in here I'm shaving the hairs on my chinny chin chin.


What do you know about the wolf's character portrayal in other children's stories? 

How does that compare to this story?

Typically the wolf is evil. He plots to blow the houses down to eat the pigs.

This story is from the wolf's perspective. He claims he is framed.


What does the term "dead as a doornail" mean?

Doornails are non-living objects, therefore the pig being referred to as "dead as a doornail" means he's really dead/lifeless--not coming back to life.


What was the wolf's justification for eating the two pigs?

He didn't want to waste food; food sitting around will spoil.


In other versions of the three little pigs, have you ever seen the wolf portrayed as the victim? Share your background information.

Answers vary.

In the traditional story, the three pigs set out to build houses. The wolf comes to the first house built of straw and asks to come in. He threatens to blow the house down. The pig says no and the wolf blows the house down. It repeats with the second pig and the house of sticks. The third pig builds the house of bricks, and the wolf comes. He tries to trick the pig to join him out of the house to get turnips, apples, and then to a fair. Each time the pig outsmarts the wolf. The wolf is angry and threatens to come down the chimney to eat the pig. The pig quickly boils a pot of water under the chimney, and when the wolf comes down he falls in and gets cooked. The pig then eats him for dinner! The 3rd little pig lived happily every after.


What does the term "jazzed up" mean? "So they jazzed up the story....."

They embellished or added details to make the story more interesting.


Why did the wolf try to break down the third pig's door?

He was angry that the pig was talking bad about his granny.


*Worth 1000 points

In your own words, explain the story. Share the perspective of the wolf and what he is claiming.

The story is about a wolf who is baking a cake for his granny's birthday. He runs out of sugar and goes to a neighbor's house to borrow some. He gets a sneezing fit and accidentally blows the house down. As a result, he eats the pig who died. He goes to the next neighbor's house and the same thing happens. Then he goes to the third neighbor's house and is unable to get in. The 3rd pig is rude to him. The police show up and arrest him because he is enraged and making a scene and sneezing. He is put in jail and they write an article about him. He claims to be framed.
