Which state became well known for its Progressive policies?
The explosion of which ship caused the Spanish-American war?
The Maine
This was Teddy Roosevelt's motto.
Speak softly and carry a big stick
What industry was JP Morgan involved in?
What invention led to an increase in people moving West?
What controversial scientific movement was popular among some progressives?
What killed a majority of U.S. troops during the Spanish-American War?
How was Teddy Roosevelt our first "green" president?
Set aside 125 millions acres of natural timberland.
Creation of many national parks.
What is Social Darwinism?
“survival of the fittest”—the idea that certain people become powerful in society because they are innately better.
How did the Wounded Knee Massacre impact the Indian Wars?
The massacre effectively ended the Indian Wars
What did Woodrow Wilson introduce to raise money for the federal government?
(This replaced Tariffs)
Graduated Income Tax
What is yellow journalism?
Sensationalized news stories
Who was the candidate that got fourth place in the 1912 presidential election?
Eugene Debs
What was the name of the book written by Jacob Riis that exposed the realities of the slums?
How the Other Half Lives
What event escalated tension between the United States and the Lakota in 1874?
Discovery of Gold in the Black Hills
What does the Federal Reserve have the ability to do?
Raise and Lower interest rates.
Print paper currency
What was the name of Teddy Roosevelt's regiment in the Spanish-American war?
The Rough Riders
Who broke more trusts?
Taft or Roosevelt?
What was the political issue that split apart the Republican Party during the Gilded Age?
The Spoils System
Stalwarts vs. Half-Breeds
What was the Ghost Dance, and why did the Sioux practice it?
A war dance performed in preparation for battles.
A religious movement that promised a return of the buffalo, the dead raised, and the white man killed.
What societal issue demonstrated the Progressive tendency to act as a “social intelligence”?
Name three territories and/or nations the U.S. was involved with and/or took over during the Era of Imperialism.
Cuba, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, Samoa, Philippines, Spain
What was the name of Teddy Roosevelt's political party?
The Bull Moose Party
Progressive Party
What was the name of the process used by Andrew Carnegie to improve production of steel?
The Bessemer Process
Name three things settlers desired when claiming land.
Gold, water, good soil, trees, stone, etc.