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How Many Landform Regions are in Canada?


Often associated with the Scandinavian world, which Canadian landform region is known for having fjords (high cliffs) that plummet into the sea

Western Cordillera - glaciers gouged out very large valleys that were later filled by bodies of water


Which Landform region has many metallic minerals (gold, nickel and cooper) left behind from volcanoes which surrounded the area millions of years ago?

The Canadian Shield! Lots of mining companies have set themselves up here for business to extra the minerals!  You could also work in tourism or at a hydroelectric generating station!

What is MY last name?

Ms. Bosgraaf!


True or False - Canada is NOT a physically diverse country

FALSE - Each landform region in Canada has very different characteristics from those nearby. These landform regions, and the processes that have shaped them give Canada it’s tremendous physical diversity!

Name all of Canada's Landform Regions in Alphabetical Order

Appalachian Region, Canadian Shield, Hudson Bay & Arctic Lowlands, The Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Lowlands,The Interior Plains, The Innuitian Mountains, Western Cordillera Region


What is 'glacial striations'?

scratches or gouges cut into bedrock by glacial abrasion


The Vikings were here! The Vikings were here! Which landform region is known for fishing communities, Anne of Green Gables and for having the oldest mountains in Canada (rounded due to wind and rain erosion)?

Appalachian Region 


In Beauty and the Beast - what is the name of the little teacup?



Which landform region would you find the Rocky Mountains?

The Western Cordillera 


Canada has 7 Landform Regions - what is a 'landform region'?

A landform region is a specific area with similar natural features on Earth’s surface - each region has different characteristics from those nearby


I'm boggy and 50 percent of my surface is covered in water - which landform am I?

Hudson Bay & Arctic Lowlands


Where might you find a job either mining, farming, fishing, working for a hydroelectric company or in the tourism sector?

The Western Cordillera


What year was E.L Crossley Secondary School founded?



What age would a pointed mountain be considered? Younger or Older?

Younger - Mountains that are pointy generally have not been eroded or weathered as long as a mountain that appears rounded


McDonald's tends to buy cattle raised within the Interior Plains. Why?

Farmers take advantage of the drier climate and choose to raise cattle here due to the prairie's being mostly grasslands with few forests


Known for mountains called the 'ice watchtowers,' you might find farming here to be a bit tricky...

•Located in Northern Nunavut (Baffin/Ellesmere Islands) - these mountains are very tall, cold and icy

•This area is above the tree line preventing any vegetation from existing – there is permanent snow here! Brrr!


You might find a job extracting oil, gas and coal from the Interior Plains!  Why is this so? Consider the below diagram and the slideshow (=

•This area used to be covered by a shallow sea – and the sand and other sediments under the sea were pressed together to make sedimentary rock.

•These layers are very thick and took millions of years to form

•Dead sea animals and plant life are found in the rock way below the earth’s surface – this is where we get oil and gas from!

•Ancient swamps in this area turned into coal – we use this today as a source of energy


Which is a superior series - Star Wars, Star Trek or Lord of the Rings?  Explain with evidence


What is the largest landform region in Canada and what is the smallest landform region in Canada?

Largest = Canadian Shield 

Smallest = The Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Lowlands


Looking to find transportation? Which landform is most likely to have the smoothest ride? The Great Lakes or Hudson Bay & Arctic Lowlands. Why?

The Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway - the land is very flat and less swampy 

SURPRISE QUESTION: Explain why or how this class will help you after graduation


Many may find jobs soon in the Arctic - why? What is happening with regards to Global Warming?

The Race to the Arctic!

Global warming is opening new shipping lanes due to the melting of sea ice, and new mining projects are in development as a result.


Ms. B's favourite dessert is marzipan. What nut is used to make it?


Below is a Canada Population Density Map. Which Landform Regions do we see the majority of Canada's population living on?

The Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway!
