The seventh day of creation
Who was the father of Isaac and the first patriarch from the Bible
who prompted Philip to approach the chariot
The Holy Spirit
What book in the Bible did todays lesson come from?
Rule # 2 during small group. Finish this sentence "Please avoid all....."
Cross Talk
According to Jesus who shall inherit the earth
The Meek
Second king of Israel, known for slaying the Goliath
In the passage the Eunuch was reading, to what animal is the subject compared?
Where did Philip return to after preaching the word of God in Samaria
Rule #3 for share group
We are here to support one another
Which city's walls fell after the Israelites marched around it for seven days?
This Prophet was swallowed by a fish after fleeing from Gods command
What sacrament did the eunuch request during their journey?
What happened after Philip baptized the Eunuch
The Spirit of the Lord took Philip away
This has no place in a Christ centered group
Offensive language
How many loaves did Jesus use to feed 5,000 people
This man baptized Jesus
John the Baptist
What was the underlying message of todays scripture
Listening and being available for God while following where He leads you to.
Complete this verse the Eunuch was reading
He was led like a sheep to the _____
Name 6 of your Leaders at the Landing
Who was the first person to see Jesus after he rose from the dead?
Mary Magdalene
Which disciple denied Jesus 3 times before the rooster crowed
What is a eunuch
A castrated male or someone who could not reproduce for other reasons.
What did the Eunuch ask Philip regarding the scripture he was reading?
Who is the prophet talking about, himself or someone else
What is the earliest that youths can be checked in to the landing