John Hughes Films
Steven Spielberg Films
Quentin Tarantino Films
Stanley Kubrick Films
Christopher Nolan Films

"You don't spell it son, you eat it" is from what John Hughes movie starring Molly Ringwald?

What is Sixteen Candles?


In Steven Spielberg's E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial, what candy does Elliot use to lure E.T.?

What is Reese's Pieces?


What is perhaps the most prevalent style of directing that Tarantino uses through each of his films?

What are non-linear timelines?


In which Kubrick film does Jack Nicholson run around a haunted hotel, chasing his family with an axe?

What is The Shining?


In Batman Begins, what false identity does Ra's Al Ghul use when he is training Bruce Wayne?

What is Henri Ducard?


"Does Barry Manilow know that you raid his wardrobe?", is said by which character in "The Breakfast Club"?

Who is John Bender?


A businessman named Oskar, accountant Itzhak Stern, and Helen Hirsch secretly rebel against the Third Reich in which acclaimed Spielberg movie?

What is Schindler's List?


Who played Mr. White in Reservoir Dogs?

Who is Harvey Keitel?

*Bonus points if you know who played Mr. Brown?


The 1957 Kubrick film "Paths of Glory" stars which American actor as Colonel Dax?

Who is Kirk Douglass?


When Harvey Dent becomes Two-Face, he begins targetting people he holds responsible for what tragedy?

What is the death of Rachel Dawes?


One of the most popular films directed by John Hughes was the 1987 classic 'Planes, Trains and Automobiles'. With which pair of comedic actors did Hughes work in this film?

Who are John Candy and Steve Martin?


Celie Harris suffers incest, assault, racism and poverty, but she is uplifted and strengthened by the strong women around her in which Spielberg movie?

What is The Color Purple?


In 1994 Quentin Tarantino released his second film that was nominated for seven Oscars including Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay, and had three nominations for acting awards. Name this cult classic.

What is Pulp Fiction?

*Bonus points if you can recite Jules' version of Ezekiel 25:17


Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis turned down roles for this 1987 film about a group of soldiers going through basic training before being sent to Vietnam.

What is Full Metal Jacket?

(Not-so-fun-fact: the name of "Private Joker" was James T. Davis who was the first recorded fatality of the Vietnam war)


According to the film, what is the act of 'Inception'?

What is the implanting of someone else's idea into someone's subconscious?

*Bonus points if you can explain what "Limbo" is in Inception.


Which member of "The Brat Pack" starred in the most John Hughes films?

Who is Anthony Michael Hall?

(Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, Weird Science)


Which actor stars as Captain John Miller in Spielberg's Saving Private Ryan?

Who is Tom Hanks? 

*Bonus points if you know who starred as Private James Ryan?


In Tarantino's film, Kill Bill Vol. 1, Uma Thurman fights a rather large group of elite Japanese swordsmen. What was the name of their group?

Who are the Crazy 88's?

What Kubrick film is a futuristic dystopian movie about ultraviolence, attacking the wealthy, and Beethoven?

What is A Clockwork Orange?


What is the spaceship Endurance's mission in Nolan's Interstellar? 

What is to travel through a wormhole to find a habitable planet for humanity?


What is the name of the movie that Kevin McAllister watches after his family leaves him home alone?

What is Angels With Filthy Souls?


Which Spielberg film features cameo appearances by George Lucas, Glenn Close, Carrie Fisher, and Phil Collins?

What is Hook?

(Lucas and Fisher are the couple kissing on the bridge, Close is the pirate trapped in the chest with the scorpions, Collins is the police detective)


Tarantino's movies, Pulp Fiction, Kill Bill Vol. 1, Jackie Brown, and Reservoir Dogs all share a unique camera angle. What was that angle?

What is the view from the trunk of a car looking out?

"The Shining", adapted from a Stephen King novel, is a 1980 Kubrick film. The setting is a deserted mountain hotel in winter. What is the hotel's name?

What is The Overlook Hotel?


Only two of Nolan's films have been nominated for the best picture award at the Oscars. What were they?

What are Inception and Dunkirk?