This is the main idea about God in Deuteronomistic theology.
What is the idea that God rewards the obedient/good and punishes the disobedient/wicked?
When David tells Solomon to be faithful to the commandments of the covenant, which covenant is David referring to?
What is the Sinai/Mosaic covenant?
Saul is rejected by God as king because of this.
What is disobedience?
Who is Samuel?
Solomon built this important structure in Jerusalem.
What is the Temple?
This is the covenant that is the main focus of the Deuteronomist.
What is the Sinai/Mosaic covenant?
The Davidic covenant is God's promise to David to do this.
What is the promise that someone from David's line would rule forever (or, David's dynasty would last)?
Saul experiences this toward David, which leads to him wanting to kill the young man.
What is jealousy?
David eventually brought this into Jerusalem and danced in front of it.
What is the ark of the covenant?
Solomon asks for this gift from God.
What is wisdom to judge the people rightly?
What is divine punishment?
David had a covenant with this son of Saul, who helped save his life.
Who is Jonathan?
Michal, who is identified as a daughter of Saul, ends up never continuing the line of Saul after she does this.
What is despising David for showing off his body while dancing in public?
Instead of doing his kingly duty and joining his army in battle, David does this.
What is staying at home and walking on the roof of the palace (leading to David seeing Bathsheba bathing)?
Solomon is influenced by these people, which leads to his sin of idolatry.
Who are his 700 wives and 300 concubines?
What is saving them and restoring order to society?
After Solomon's sin of idolatry, God punishes him. While God doesn't break the Davidic covenant, God does do this.
What is split the United Monarchy into two kingdoms, leaving one kingdom to Solomon's son?
After God won't communicate with Saul, Saul decides to seek out the help of this woman.
Who is the witch/medium of Endor?
Nathan used this to show David that committing adultery with Bathsheba and killing Uriah was wrong.
What is a parable?
When approached by two women each arguing that she is the mother of a particular baby, Solomon judges the case by doing this.
What is threatening to cut the baby in two to see which woman will try to save the life of the baby?
According to the Deuteronomist, the death of his first son with Bathsheba (as well as several other terrible things) was a punishment for these sins.
What are adultery with Bathsheba and killing Uriah the Hittite?
This is the prophet who delivered God's message about the the Davidic covenant to David.
Who is Nathan?
Saul does this after his soldiers have been waiting for Samuel before a battle.
What is performing the animal sacrifice that Samuel was meant to perform?
David has this job before he moves into Saul's palace and becomes a warrior.
What is a shepherd?
Solomon mistreats his people by doing these things.
What is overtaxing them and forcing them to work for him in his building projects?