How many planets are in the solar system?
Eight planets
365 days
How many moons does Earth have?
Name one thing that causes pollution
Cars, buses, gas, mining, etc.
How many poles does Earth have?
What is the biggest planet?
Name 3 Oceans on Earth.
Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic, Antarctic (Southern)
How many days does it take for the moon to orbit the Earth?
28 Days
What type of pollution cases this?
Light Pollution
What are the two things that stars produce?
Heat and Light.
What is a dwarf planet?
A very small planet. Pluto.
What is this layer called? What is it made up of?
The atmosphere. It is made up of gases.
What phase of the moon is this?
A full moon.
What are the three types of pollution?
Air Pollution. Noise Pollution. Light Pollution.
Name the 2nd and 7th plants from the sun
What is this? What is it made out of?
A comet. Dust and Ice.
What are the 7 continents on Earth?
North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Antartica, Australia
What is this called? When the moon is blocked by the Earth's shadow?
A lunar eclipse.
What type of gas is the main cause of climate change?
Carbon Dioxide
What is this?
A satellite
Name at least 3 things in a galaxy.
5 things in OUR solar system.
Stars, planets, moons, comets, asteroids
What does Earth have that no other planet does?
What are the large spots on the moon called?
Name two impacts of climate change?
Melting Ice, extreme weather, changing ecosystems, mass migration.
Name another planet that has a moon
What is this ? What planets is it in between?
The astroid belt. Large rocks that orbit the sun.
How much of Earth is covered by Water? Is it salt water or fresh water?
70% Salt Water
How many phases does the moon have? What are they?
4 phases:
1st Quarter
Full Moon
3rd Quarter
New Moon
Name four ways to help fight climate change.
Save energy, recycle, use sustainable transportation (walking, cycling, the bus), protect water and ecosystems, do not litter
What causes high tide and low tide?
The moon