Character that is described as having anger management issues?
What is Aldo Braff?
The story takes place here
What is Greenwich?
Parker’s disability
What is dyslexia?
This helps Parker learn to read
What is anagram puzzles?
This caused Mr. Kermit to hate teaching?
What is Jake Terranova and the cheating scandal?
Character trait that describes Kiana
What is bossy, helpful, independent, thoughtful, etc.
How Kiana ends up in the unteachables class
What is she ends up with Parker’s schedule?
The name of Mr. Kermit’s coffee cup
What is the toilet bowl?
Dr. Thaddeus is trying to stop this
What is Mr. Kermit’s early retirement?
The effect of the unteachables stealing the vuvuzelas
What is they were suspended for a week?
Character that showed traits of being lazy and not completing their work
What is Barnstorm Anderson?
This happens because Dr. Thaddeus wants Mr. Kermit to quit
What is he has to teach the unteachables class?
The kind of license Parker has
What is a provisional license?
How the unteachables react when Mr.Kermit is fired
What is they blame themselves
This caused Mr. Kermit to become a better teacher.
What is the unteachables jumping in the river to save him?
Character trait that describes Dr. Thaddeus
What is alicious, cruel, mean, hurtful, etc.
The students go here on their field trips
What is Terranova Motors?
Mr. Kermit hates these
what is vuvuzelas?
Describe the cheating scandal
What is Jake Terranova sold copies of the national aptitude test for $10 each and Mr. Kermit got blamed?
The effect of Principal Vargas not allowing the unteachables to participate in spirit week
What is Mr. Kermit defends them, but the students steal the vuvuzelas?
Character trait that describes Mr. Kermit at the end of the story.
What is enthusiastic, encouraged, hopeful, etc.
Mr. Kermit is going to do this at the end of the story
What is continue to teach the SCS-8 class?
The thing the unteachables can earn for doing good deeds or being a “helpful hair”
What is good bunnies or rabbit butts?
Something Parker struggled with (other than dyslexia)
What is his grandma not remembering his name?
The effect of the Unteachables entering and presenting at the science fair
What is they got 2nd place?