How many Articles are in the Constitution?
7 Articles
How many Bill of Rights are in the Constitution?
10 Bill of Rights
What is the first section of the Constitution called?
The Preamble
Where did the Constitutional Convention take place?
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
True or False: Congress is the Legislative Branch of the United States Government.
What branches are mentioned in Articles 1-3?
Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branch
What is the Second Amendment?
Right to Bear Arms
What is the famous phrase that is stated in the beginning of the Preamble?
From what months did it take to write the US Constitution?
From May 25-September 17
True or False: The third amendment states that any solider shall be quartered in any house without consent of the owner during peace or war time.
False, no solider shall be quartered in any house during the time of peace or war.
What is the primary purpose of Article V of the Constitution?
It outlines the process for amending the Constitution
What is the main purpose of the Bill of Rights?
To protect individual freedoms and limit government power.
When was the Constitution signed?
The Constitution was signed on September 17,1787
Who led the US Constitutional Convention?
George Washington
True or False: The Electoral College determines the winner of the U.S. Presidential election based on the popular vote of the people.
False, the Electoral College, determines the winner of the U.S. Presidential election, not the popular vote of the people.
According to Article IV of the Constitution define the relationship between the states?
It requires states to recognize the laws and judicial decisions of other states and ensures citizens are treated equally across states.
How does the Eighth Amendment protect individuals in the criminal justice system?
It prevents the government from imposing cruel or excessive punishments, as well as from setting unreasonably high bail amounts or fines.
What is the U.S. Constitution composed of?
The Preamble, Seven articles, and 27 Amendments. The First 10 Amendments are known as the Bill of Rights.
Who is known as the "Father of the Constitution?"
James Madison
True or False: All 55 delegates signed the Constitution.
False, out of the 55 delegates only 39 signed the Constitution.
In Article VI, the "supremacy clause" declares that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. How does this impact state laws and government actions?
It means that if there is a conflict between state law and federal law, federal law prevails. States cannot pass laws that contradict the Constitution or federal laws and treaties.
How does the Fifth Amendment protect individuals from self-incrimination and double jeopardy?
It guarantees that people aren't unfairly put in jeopardy multiple times or forced to incriminate themselves.
What is the US Consitution?
It is the fundamental framework of America's federal system of government.
How many delegates attended the Constitutional Convention, and which state exempt?
55 delegates from all states, except Rhode Island.
True or False: The four eras of the US Constitution are The Founding, Reconstruction, Progressive, and Modern Era.