What Continent is the USA in?
North America
Most popular T.V. shows and music genres are?
Young Sheldon, Mr Beast, Family Guy, The Simpsons, Pop, Rock
President of the US is?
Donald John Trump
What is the type of money in the USA?
The US dollar
What is the famous statue located in New York Harbor?
The Statue of Liberty.
Name 3 Natural Resources.
Coal, copper, lead, iron, natural gas, timber
3 of the most popular foods in the US are...?
Mac N Cheese, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, Fried Chicken, Grilled Cheese
Capital city of the US.
Washington D.C
3 Major Exports
Vehicles, machinery, aircrafts
Who was the first president of the United States?
George Washington.
Grand Canyon, Great Salt Lake, Rocky Mountains.
3 of the most spoken languages are...?
English, Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Chinese, and Arabic
How leaders are chosen.
3 Major Imports
Furniture, Clothing, Vehicles, Electronics
Which famous American invented the light bulb?
Thomas Edison
What is the climate?
Tropical conditions in south Florida and Hawaii to arctic and alpine conditions in Alaska and across the Rocky Mountains.
What is the average life expectancy?
79.40 Years
Federal Republic
Total GDP per capita (average amount of money per person)
$66,386 USD per person
What bird is the national symbol of the United States?
The Bald Eagle
What is the total land size of the USA?
What is the population of the USA?
Three Branches of Government -the President (enforces laws), Congress (makes laws), and the Supreme Court (interprets laws).
businesses that sell goods and services, the government that makes rules, and banks that manage money.
Which U.S. state is the only one made up entirely of islands?