I See You
(How To Display The Flag)
Oh So Pretty
(Flag Design)
Back In My Day
(Flag History)
Nice and Neat
(Care Of The Flag)
The Pledge of Allegiance

What should the USA Flag never touch?

The USA Flag should never touch the ground.  It should also not touch anything below it.


The stars on the flag represent each State in the USA.  How many stars are on the USA Flag? 



The first Flags of the USA had how many Stars?

A. 50

B. 13

C. 25

D. 1

B. 13

One for each of the original states.


True or False, Even if dirty the USA Flag should not be washed.

False!  The USA Flag should always be clean and presentable.  It is ok to wash and dry the USA Flag.


If you are in your Cub Scout uniform how do you salute the USA Flag during the Pledge of Allegiance?

Using your right hand, extend your pointer and middle fingers and hold them above your right eyebrow.


Which side of a podium or stage should the USA Flag be on when viewed by the audience?

Left or Right

The USA Flag should always be on the Left


There are 13 stripes on the USA Flag.  What do these 13 stripes represent?

A. The scariest Friday on the Calendar

B. The original 13 laws of the USA

C. The original 13 States of the USA

D. The 12 points of the Scout Law and the unofficial 13th point - A Scout is Hungry

C. The original 13 States of the USA

Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Virginia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and South Carolina


True or False, the USA Flag has always had 13 stripes.

False, at first when a new state was added to the USA a star and a stripe would be added to the flag.  


The USA Flag should always be treated with respect and no other flag should be higher than it.  Also, 2+2=?

4! of course :)


If you are NOT in your Cub Scout uniform how do you salute the USA Flag during the Pledge of Allegiance?

Place your right hand over your heart.


When viewing the USA Flag mounted on a wall or other structure, the Blue field should uppermost and always be on which side?  Left or Right

The Blue field should always be on the Left


What colors are the USA Flag?

Red, White and Blue!


In 1969, Neil Armstrong placed the USA Flag in this very difficult to get to location that only 12 people have ever been to.

The Moon!


When is the only time that the USA Flag is allowed to be flown upside down?

A. On Wednesday Opposite Days

B. When you are in the Southern Hemisphere, since everything is upside down!

C. As a signal of dangerous need when there is danger to life or property.

D. Never

C. As a signal of dangerous need when there is danger to life or property.

Flying the flag upside down can be used as a signal that you are in danger and need help.


The Pledge of Allegiance was originally published in 1892.  When was the pledge made official by Congress?

A. 1776

B. 1942

C. 1978

D. 2054

B. 1942


When can the USA Flag be displayed at night?

A. Anytime

B. Only on the 4th of July

C. Only if it is properly lit up by lights

D. Never

C. Only if it is properly lit up by lights


Who was one of the earliest designers/makers of the USA Flag?

A. Betty Crocker

B. Betty White

C. Betsy Kling

D. Betsy Ross

D. Betsy Ross

Betsy Ross made many flags during the American Revolution and some believe she had a big hand in its design.


What are some nicknames for the USA Flag?

Stars and Stripes

Old Glory

Star Spangled Banner

The Red, White and Blue


When the USA Flag is no longer in good condition the flag should be retired and destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.  Who are permitted to retire USA Flags?

A. Members of the US Military

B. US Veteran Associations

C. Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA and Girl Scouts

D. All of the Above

D. All of the Above

These respected groups are allowed the honor of retiring USA Flags.


What is the name of our National Anthem?

(I bet you thought this was going to be about The Pledge of Allegiance)

Star Spangled Banner

When marching with other flags, the USA Flag should be in the front and/or on the?

Left or Right

When marching with other flags, the USA Flag should be in the front and/or on the Right.


On the USA Flag:

Blue - Vigilance, perseverance, justice

White - Purity, innocence

Red - Valor and ?

A. Bravery

B. Blood

C. Sunset

D. Strawberries

A. Bravery

Just like in the Scout Law!


Is there a holiday for the USA Flag?

Yes, it is Flag Day - June 14th.


Bonus Leader Participation

Leaders to show how to fold a flag!

Everyone gets points!


Recite the Pledge of Allegiance

I pledge allegiance to the flag of The United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
