Given by the late great Dr. Youkilis because he didn't know her name
What is Freckles
These are often black and horrendously bitter
What are olives
This region accounts for 44% of her ancestral DNA, and thus her propensity for slow driving and bad directions
What is southeast Asia
This ungulate's nickname is BBBB
What is Darla
How she classifies a patient who is appropriate for cooter canoes
What is a Big Fat Hog
Referred to by Dr. Fisher on the regular, unknown if intentional or not
What is Vanessa or Victoria
It has fur and cannot be trusted as edible
What are kiwis
This pageant title necessitated elbow elbow wrist wrist
What is 1998 Pre-Teen Virginia, Sr.
This canine was bred to kill wolves and bears
What is Bruce Bruce
She asks patients this when they are ready to be discharged from PACU back to the floor
What is "Would you like to sleep with me or go back to your room"
A cultivated plant belonging to the species Apium graveolens in the family Apiaceae
What is Celery
No one ever says "this would be a lot better if I added ..."
What are raisins
The reason she was first runner up to Miss Virginia National Teenager
What is some bimbo stepped on her dress onstage and her reaction was not ladylike
This late little guy was her first dog out of college and named after her crush from NCIS
What is Jethro Leroy Gibbs (Gibby)
She said this to her perceptor when she noticed the stopcock transducer was spurting on to the floor at bedside
What is "There appears to be a lot of blood"
This pays homage to an exclusive fashion accessory and odd MTN fetish
What is Birkin Face
This inappropriate gift should not be given in public at work for a birthday
What is a green garter belt
The number of times she has been to Hawaii
What is too many to count, she lost track
This ungulate has a propensity for jumping fences and hanging out in the neighbor's driveway
What is Preacher
The reason Dr. Younkers traveled back and forth to Atlanta
What is "Because his sister lived in an iron lung"
Patrick from kindergarten would call her this that sent her home in tears everyday
What is Valerie Dalerie
Using these therapeutic phrases give cause for immediate judgment and yeet (4)
What are bandwidth, emotional capacity, triggers, and boundaries
The Colonel's official deployment title to Cambodia
What is Advisory Team 96
This ungulate was dishonorably discharged from Old Guard's Caisson Platoon because he refused to pull in harness
What is Ollie
The first text message she ever sent Dr. Ryan N. Farmer that resulted in fear of being reported to HR
What is "Welcome to the Daily Dolphin! Thank you for your subscription!"