True or false The War of 1812 took place in Britain
The battle of 1812 took place in North America!
Who Wrote "The Star Spangeled Banner" that later turned into our national anthem?
Francis Scott Key wrote the song!
What country had the most troops?
The British had more troops from 50,000 to 100,000 troops over the Americans 12,000!
How long was the war of 1812?
It was nearly 3 years!
What was another name the Americans gave the British through the war of 1812?
"The British Forces"!
In what U.S state is Plattsburgh in?
New York!
Who was the president of the United States during the war of 1812?
James Madison!
Who was a British ally?
The Native Americans were helping the British by telling them important information they would need to know to invade the colonies!
In what month did the war of 1812 begin?
Who won the war of 1812?
Where did the war of 1812 start?
It started in what is now known as Southern Ontario!
Who led the British thought the war of 1812?
George III led the British!
Which side started the war?
The United States started the war the gain independence from great Britain's reign!
In what month was the battle of New Orleans
What was the most famous battle in the war of 1812?
The battle of New Orleans!
Where did Andrew Jackson's army face of against many British soldiers on January 8th 1815?
New Orleans!
Who was the very famous American general that died on July 4th?
Thomas Jefferson died on July 4th!
True or False the British had a much weaker navy?
In what month did the war of 1812 end?
What was a nickname the Americans had by the British?
They had no nickname!
Where did the war of 1812 end?
The war of 1812 official ended in Ghent, Belgium!
Who was the British general that wanted to claim Plattsburgh as British territory?
Sir George Prevost!
Who allied with the Americans through the war of 1812?
The French allied with America!
In what year did James Madison pass?
He died in 1836 to heart failure
What was a nickname for the war of 1812?
"Mr Madison's War"