In what year did the War of 1812 Start?
Who was president during The War of 1812?
James Madison
- Nick name: Jonathen / Little Jemmy
Why were US sailors advised not to sail into British Waters?
- US sailors were being kidnapped and forced to serve in the British Navy.
- US merchant ships were being raided and having their cargo stolen by Britan.
What is the Largest US state in terms of population?
In what year did the War of 1812 End?
What happened to the United States Capital during the War of 1812?
The Capital was destroyed when the British invaded Washington D.C. Fire was set to the White House and other important buildings.
What were the British doing for the Native Americans?
The issues of Land and who owned it was affecting the Native Americans and US settlers. It was believed that the British were trying to help Native Americans fight for their land by providing them with Weapons and Protection.
How many US presidents have been Assassinated (successfully)
How many years did the War of 1812 last?
The war lasted for a total of 3 years.
Besides the United States, who else was Britan Fighting during The War of 1812.
During this time in history, the British were also fighting Napoleon and his French army. This was preventing the British from putting all of their attention to the War with America.
What happened to Native Americans after the War of 1812?
After the War of 1812 efforts to remove Native Americans became prioritized. Many Natives were forced to leave their native lands and give up their culture, and way of life.
- Expected to become American
- They were the Real Losers
What letter is not in any US state?
The Letter Q
What was the treaty that put an end to the War of 1812?
The Treaty of Ghent
John Stafford Smith was the person responsible for creating "________________________________."
John Stafford Smith was responsible for creating the pome that would become the USA's national anthem.
- The Star-Spangled Banner
What happened to the Federalist Part after the War of 1812?
Not long after the War of 1812 ended the Federalist Party began to fall apart. They were seen a tractor to the United States. Instead, the Republican and Democratic Party became to two parties of the United States.
Who did the US buy Alaska from, and what year did they buy it?
Russia in 1867
What was so significant about the battle of New Orleans?
The battle occurred after the War of 1812 was called to an end. It was one of the most important battles during the War because Anderw Jackson prevented the British from capturing New Orleans and taking the Mississippi River from the United States. This battle made Anderw Jackson celebrity and American Hero.
Challenge Time: take a look at the picture Provided
1. Who is in the picture?
2. What is the statement, or what is this picture trying to illustrate?
1. Soldiers of the United States, and The British Army. (Anderw Jackson)
2. The picture is trying to illustrate how powerful the United State Army had become. (US Army is towering over the British)
What was the Main Reason why the "War Hawks" wanted to go to War with Britain.
The War Hawks, aka the people that really wanted war, wanted to go to war with Britan to get more land. More Importantly the War Hawks wanted Canada, and Florida.
What is the most popular food in America?
French Fries