Water Cycle (a)
Water Cycle (b)
Water Cycle (c)
Law of Conservation of Mass
Food Web

Gas particles lose heat energy and turn into liquid particles forming a cloud. What stage of the water cycle is this?



When liquid changes into a gas, which stage of the water cycle is this?



What is the sun doing to the ocean? 

What is heating up the water and changing it to a gas. 


True or False 

Mass cannot be created or destroyed during a physical change only. The initial and final mass are equal.

False. The Law of Conservation of Mass applies to both chemical and physical changes.


What is the primary source of energy for all ecosystems? 

The sun is the primary source of energy


When water flows over the Earth's surface and gathers in lakes, oceans, and streams. What stage of the water cycle is this?



Gas changes to a liquid. Which stage of the water cycle is this?

What is condensation.


Which phase change, changes rain into snow.

What is freezing.

Jayla mixes 3grams of salt with 19 grams of water. What is the final mass? 

22 grams.


Which organisms take energy directly from the sun for energy? Must use the scientific name for the organisms. 



Name the four forms of precipitation.

What is rain, hail, sleet, and snow.


How are clouds formed?

Gas particles lose thermal energy and turn into liquid particles. The liquid particles gather together and form a cloud


During which stage of the water cycle are clouds formed. Explain answer.

Clouds are formed during the stage of condensation. Gas particles lose thermal energy and turn into liquid particles. The particles form together and make a cloud 


Jessica has a bottle of ice and leaves it on the counter overnight and noticed that it melted. Will the mass of the substance increase, decrease or remain the same? explain

The mass of the ice would be the same. A phase change occurred, but it is still the same substance and the same amount


What are decomposers? Give an example of a decomposer. 

Decomposers recycle nutrients from dead organisms back into the soil. Example: mushrooms, fungi, earthworms, etc.


Thermal energy from the sun cause liquid particles to turn into gas particles. What stage of the water cycle is this?



What is the primary source of energy in the water cycle?

The sun


What type of change( physical or chemical) occurs during the evaporation stage of the water cycle? explain 

A physical change occurs because no new substance is being created. A liquid turns into a gas 


Jordan is completing an experiment and mixes 10 grams of a baking soda with 83 grams of vinegar. What is the initial mass of the substances and the final mass after the substances are mixed? Explain.

The initial mass is 93grams and the final mass is 93 grams. The LOCM states the initial and final mass are always equal


In an ecosystem, mice eat plants for energy. The mouse is eaten by the fox and the fox is eaten by the bear. Name the producer, primary, secondary and tertiary consumer in this ecosystem.

Producer= Plant

Primary consumer= mouse 

Secondary consumer= Fox 

Tertiary consumer= bear


During the phase change of evaporation, the amount of water on earth appears to decrease. Why?

Liquid particles turn into gas particles and rise into the atmosphere. 


How would primary consumers be impacted if precipitation stopped occurring?

Primary consumers would not have a food source because producers need precipitation for growth. Without it, the producers would die and the primary consumers would decrease/die


True or False, must explain! 

During the phase change of evaporation, liquid particles gain heat energy, move closer together and sink to the bottom of the ocean.

False, the particles move further apart and rise into the atmosphere


Christopher mixes two unknown substances. The first substance is 15 grams and the second substance is 39 grams. Once mixed, he notices a color change, burning and a fizzing sound. What is the initial and final mass of the mixture? Did Christopher experience a physical or chemical change and why?

The initial mass is 54grams and this a chemical change. The color change, burning and fizzing sound indicate that a new substance is being created which is a chemical change


In an ecosystem, mice eat plants for energy. The mouse is eaten by the fox and the fox is eaten by the bear. How will the fox be impacted if all mice are removed from the ecosystem? Must include the transfer of energy. 

The fox will decrease because they will lose their food source. Foxes get their energy from the mice, so if the mice are gone, the fox will not have any food.
